When do you come out of the uni closet?

So I’m looking for info on trails in KH and Guilin, and Thailand, and people are giving me some pretty alright information. Stuff like be careful of the spiders the size of 29ers and the like.

I’m wondering though at what point do most people come out and say they are unicycling and not biking.

I don’t want them to limit the trails because they think unis can’t do them, but they are also saying things like, it would be good if you got together with some other riders and rented a bus, and since I’m going alone, I don’t want to hold people back.

I “came out of the closet” as soon as I could ride around my neighborhood.

Just go and don’t worry about what others are saying. Once they see you ride I think you’ll dismiss their misconceptions. I agree about the concern of riding w/ bikers though, you’d be hard pressed to keep up w/ them, even on the uphills.

If it were something more like riding the lifts at a ski resort in the summer, I’d just get your tickets and show up to the lifts like you belong there.

I “came out of the closet” as soon as I could ride well enough to free mount and ride smoothly.

I hate to be insulting, but for some reason I get the idea that neither of you read what I wrote. Yes I ride plenty around my neighbourhood and in many other places. I’m talking more about planning trips, and speaking with guides and the like.

Do you really need to say that your unicycling and not biking? What types of accomadations would you need to make for the uni instead of the bike? I would think it would just be that you cover less mileage a day, nothing that really should change much of what they will tell you. Since your going it alone I really don’t think you need to tell them that you uni instead of bike unless they ask you.

no kidding, its nothing like being gay, which you are obviously referring to. unicycling and gays have no correlation. the “gay” that people call us is a reference to stupidity, but in reality, the same people who say that would try it in the right situation.

becoming a unicyclist by no means requires dropping bicycling. being a cyclist is one thing.
nuff said… i think you get the point… this is a stupid thread imho.

I’d say keep it in the closet till you’re there and ready to go. They’re only gonna laugh at you and think you’re another one of those “crazy white hippies” (in Asia, that is).

If by going alone you are paying a much higher price, then you may consider teaming up with the 2-wheelers. Or tell the guide, you’re riding a trick or a novelty bike that will make things slow (maybe give him a speed estimate) and see what he comes up with.

mm some good ideas there. I will look into that.

Thanks for the good response Sid.

It is a shame that others can’t read the thread correctly and come up with an intelligent response.

As what was said before, I think the only difference would be speed. Some trips people think you will be traveling pretty fast, and can plan for you to be done by x ammount of hours so your next things starts at hour X and have the trip organized like that.

On a unicycle, you will be going much slower, so the only thing I would make sure about, is when traveling at a low speed, you wont end up on a trail taking you msny hours and causing you to ride late into the night. or having you end up on the trail over night.

I would say “novelty cycle” not “novelty bike”. Why lie?

i know what you mean, i often reffer to my hobby as ‘cycling’ until the time is right to break the news, so to speak. Other tactics, tell them you’re really unfit so will be slow, or that you ride a single speed or fixed wheel cycle, it’s not a direct lie and will get your point across. In situations like this i make extra sure i will be able to handle whatever I’m planning to do, because obviously relying on the opinion of someone else who is misinformed is a bad idea.

Hope that was of some help.

Truth works

My recommendation is to let them know what you will be doing as soon as they see you as a credible and reputable customer.

For one thing, the logistics of a unicycle trip will differ from and bicycle trip and they will need to know what they should adjust. The legs will probably be shorter, the stops may be closer together, there may be no need for specialized transportation support, you are limited in what you can carry yourself…etc.

Once you get to that point in the discussion, email them a picture of you from some other exotic location with your Coker (or other fine unicycle) so they can get a sense that you are a serious customer. They may even be excited to help you. The big difference is that your standards of safety, support, medical care, quality of accomodations etc. may well be different than theirs. Good luck.


Funny how the first few responders had no idea what you were talking about. But people did finally start to get it. Those first guys probably never had the experience so didn’t know how to respond anyway.

For general inquiries about “where are the best trails/rides,” don’t mention the unicycle. No matter what you say, some people will automatically change their answers because they assume you can’t handle the “big stuff.” Just keep it mountain biking initially. If you are going to team up with others, they’ll at least need to know you’re going to be slow. Don’t know if they need to know any more than that. Especially if it’s a downhill ride, in which case you might be “very slow.”

Yes, time and time again I’ve explained to people that my friends and I are experienced, serious mountain unicycle riders who prefer the hardest trails you’ve got. No matter, they just assume we want the easy stuff.


I didn’t see a connection between the title and subject matter. I thought it was just a weird ? to start off from.

A while ago I read of a few people here who didn’t tell anyone they knew about their unicycling for a long time. In one case it had been over like 3 yrs and his parents still didn’t know.