Wheel walking expert wanted

People have posted lots of good stuff regarding wheel walking recently. I’d like
to see it merged into the existing skill file, but I don’t feel qualified to do
it, since I can’t do it yet (six steps is my record). If someone would like to
update the file, let me know and I’ll send you the piece parts to combine.

BTW, if anyone wants to write skill files for any of the other skills, feel
free to do so. I’ve pretty hit all the skills that I can do that are worth
writing about.


Beirne Konarski | Subscribe to the Unicycling Mailing List bkonarsk@mcs.kent.edu
| Send requests to unicycling-request@mcs.kent.edu “Untouched by Scandal” |
Unicycling Web Page:
| http://nimitz.mcs.kent.edu/~bkonarsk/