Hey, i’m currently making the decision on whether to buy a 26" or 24" Nimbus MUni. I have a crotch to floor height of 73cm, and overall height of 163ish cm. Can anyone suggest which would be better for mild off road and would suit my height? Thanks, Owen
24" is pretty much the going standard (and has been for a long time) for off road unicycles.
26" would go a little faster, but the 24" wheel has more precision when you are playing around.
trials is also quite acceptable on a 24" where it kinda sucks on a 26".
B-mack is right get a 24" its much more versatile and is easier to hop over obstacles with.
these are the two i’m looking at -
i am looking anywhere around that price range. I want a fairly versatile MUni which might get a bit of use on the road.
Municycle.com.au has the spline Qu-Ax for $475, (I see unicycle.com.au’s price is $515) you should really, really, really, really spend an extra hundred australia bucks…buckaroos? and go with the splined setup. not even for strength but for the hassle free riding with barely any thought of maintenance, crank/hub wise. (I would recommend talking to Mal about buying in Austraila, he can help you out with great customer service, with whatever unicycle you choose to get)
If you are going to be doing maily flat trails i would say get the 26. If you are gonna do a lot of technical trails and hilly stuff get the 24.
Your height/inside leg won’t prevent you from riding either size.
There’s been plenty of 24/26 debate in this forum - you could try the ssearch function.
However, the gist of it is: 26 is more biased towards a cross country style of riding; 24 is more biased towards a technical style of riding.