Wheel-building accident

Wheel-building accident.

I’d say she looks already spoke-en for.

I think its a guy…


It is a testament to the insanity of the human race that this is the work of a vegetarian.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

must be mad

damn explosive spokes!!!
but why it just looks painful

I think you’re right

I suppose this thread does not exactly respect the man in the picture or his culture. However…

It does take a “wheel” man to poke spokes through your face.

I guess he is the other “one tired guy”…

Dave Lowell (uni57)


if he didn’t look so blissfully happy, i might…

I’m not one to usually take the soap box but…

Just something to think about:

Would a christian group appreciate someone taking a picture of everyone holding hands praying, then making fun of them and working the picture so it looked like they were all constipated and shitting on the floor?

Respect others cultures. You may be on the other side of the table some day.


If you were as hard core christian (or any other religion) like myself you would. ALL Hail Jebus!

I really dont know how I’ve ever missed the photoshop moment with the whole shitting on the floor thing, I really better get on that.


ok that last post might be a bit over the top,



probably not but i know i think it’s hillarious
t-shirt idea?

Excellent idea.