I must be totally missing something here.
Look harder.
i work at mcds, its not as bad as you think. the hours are great and im makin $8 for 70 hrs a week which is like $600 a week so i was able to buy my kh 05 in less than a week! the moneys good so i stay there
I will be the Big Bad Wolf this summer, except with a twist.
Me: Little contractor, little contractor, let me in.
Little Contractor: Not by the hair on my big double chin.
Me: Then I will huff, and puff as I write up your notice of non-compliance, issue your stop-work order, and file your citation with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the City Council.
Man, insomnia must be sweet. Do you go to school, and how old are you?
I always knew you had Jesus-like qualities.
Dang, that must suck… how do you think those people feel?
Actually, we have some top-notch contractors in our town and we get along very well. There have been a few times that I had to flex my inspector muscle, though. I don’t enjoy that part of the job.
It’s late. Time for bed. I just had to go pick up Ben. He just got home from a H.S. soccer team trip to a Chicago Fire game tonight. Now he has to get up early for his own game in the morning. Brad’s team won 8-0 this afternoon and are undefeated so far on the season. Go team!
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread already in progress…
I guess I’m still not sure what the problem with the EPA is, but I am hoping to get some valuble experience in a field related to my major, and perhaps a foot in the door to a career or something. I don’t know yet, they haven’t told me entirely what I will be doing yet. Oh, and they’re paying me too.
Bruce, in case you have the desire to move to Washington State, the City of Brier has openings for a Building Inspector / Community Development Permit Specialist and a Planning / Community Development Director. Scroll down a bit and click on “Employment Opportunities”.
My summer jobs were usually my school year jobs but full time instead of part time. Mostly construction and restaurant.
My summer job now is getting as much recreation in as possible before Hurricane Season. Not that we get hurricanes in Washington, my job sends me into the aftermath.
You should see him change water into wine.
We loved our visit to Seattle a few years ago. Such a beautiful place. As much as I’d like to live there, I’m dealing with a force much greater than the entire hurricane season put together…my wife.
My parents are moving to Marion, IL from Oklahoma City this summer following Mom’s retirement. It’s also a beautiful place. My sister was down in Marion with Mom a few weeks ago to look at houses and got to thinking that it would be nice to all be together there someday, which I would love in order to take care of my parents as they age. When I jokingly preposed the idea to Mary, her response was simply NO!. Can’t argue with that.
The Other Steve,
During school, I had internships at Argonne National Laboratory in the environmental field then spent eight years as an environmental engineer following college. I had a good time with it but it seems that the EPA has really backed off many of the hard-pressed issues of the 90’s. Could be I’m just out of the loop now but they don’t seem as front line as they used to be.
The thing I didn’t like is when they threw the safety part (OSHA) into my job responsibilities. No one in the plant likes the safety guy. He’s a nuisance and bucks against productivity. I’m all for safety in the workplace but it would be fine with me if that particular side of the responsibility never reared its ugly head again in my career.
Well, I guess I’m not up to speed on my EPA history. But like I said, I’m hoping to get some sort of a good career experience here. Either one way or the other.
[tangent]When I drove a forklift at Menards, safety got thrown out the window there too. But instead of the employees being the problem, it was the customers. I never had another employee run under a stack of garage doors while I was trying to fork it down. And employees never had their kids running wild in the store. I was backing an order selector
into an aisle. And it looked like the one in the picture except hanging off the back was an eight foot long platform with a sort of tubular framework running along one edge so you could lean doors and windows upright against it. So I was backing this thing into an aisle and this kid come bolting around the corner from the next aisle, leaps towards the framework, grabs it and starts climbing up it like a jungle gym or something. So of course I stop the thing and yelled at him to get off just as his dad came around the corner. I shot HIM a look too. So if there’s any safety aspect that needs to get regulated, it’s the customers in the store more than the heavy equipment operators. [/tangent]
Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with the EPA. My “God Bless Richard Nixon” comment was simply because Nixon was the president who created the EPA. (The links I provided were intended to help you make that connection.) I think you’re old enough to know that Nixon is not one of our more highly revered presidents. It was one of the few good things he did. (You might also add providing the American TV viewing public with its fill of British drama and comedy, but that’s another story.)
In any event, good luck with internship and yes, you should get some valuable experience.
I was able to make the connection that Nixon created it. I do know about his presidency. I just wasn’t sure if you were insinuating one thing or another.
But thanks. I’m looking forward to it.
I’m looking at a summer spent largely working on festival sites doing site power or stage lighting.
Starting in June which means I can’t go to BMW, continuing through July -bang goes my birthday and The Euro Muni event in Denmark - and ending in August with three weeks of back to back festivals.
Think I might be glad of those wellies I bought and the waterproof jacket I’ve been promised by the company I’ll be representing. Now I just need to find a dtae to do my fork-lift liecence and I’ll be all set.
I just got a job for the summer prospecting up north. They helicopter you in to the middle of nowhere and you work for 2 months. I’m pretty excited. 12 hour days, 7 days a week.
i’m hoping to get known by the local festival organisers. i have a friend who rides a graffe around at festivals, for £50 an hour!
now all I need is 3 hours work to get a giraffe . . . .
I’ll be taking drivers ed., going to two soccer camps, a wrestling camp, conditioning camp, and church camp. At the end of summer, it’s back to school and soccer and waiting for the next summer to get here.
My job is washing semi-trucks for Cedar Siding in Rochelle. I make about $50 on a weekend.
Fix computers, Paint Houses, Mow lawns, and make fried dough and other amusment park goddies.