Whats your summer job?

Summer’s coming and unicycling, for me at least, is turning out to be an expensive past time. So I need a job. I have a few things I’m looking at.

-I got certified as a Soccer Ref. (pays $10 - $32, depending on if you’re lines or middle and what age group) and will be doing games here and there.

-I applied for a work exchange thing in Quebec. I’d work for a non-profit organization (but the government pays me) like a day camp, golf course, or food bank or something.

-If the Quebec thing doesn’t work out I think I have a job in town at a home improvement store.

-They might be reopening our ski hill, so some trailclearing would be in order and I might be able to get in on that.

-If none of that works I’ll aplly at McD’s cause they have good hours, or a Drugstore cause then you can go for some course and you get $14 an hour.

Only soccer and painting two barns are guarenteed so far but I really hope to get the Quebec thing. So whats your job or whats it gonna be?


I guess I will be working at the local grocery. Considering that I am going to buy a KH 05, i have to get the money someway.

ill be teaching tennis, and hopefully getting an actual part-time job…at this arcade, as party host, im going to apply today cuz my friend does it and said they need someone and that she will put in a good word for me. :smiley:

I’ve got a job as a bike mechanic and I do buskering on the side. I’m also leading a 4th of july parade on my uni for money. I’ve got it made.

im getting a job at donut bank… so thatll be cool


I’ll have the same job I did last summer-Logging.:smiley:

A family freind of ours runs a logging busniss,and he hires me and my freind to hual logs after he fells the trees.We pile the logs up on a trailer thing hooked to a four wheeler,and pull em through the woods to the huge log truck trailer,stack em,and go back for more.

Those fourwheelers are pretty powerful,but we tear them up good on that rough terrain.

I’m hoping to get some kind of job, possibly through a temp agency. If I find something good, I should be able to save up enough for this unicycle, or at least be able to afford the shoes, tires, and miscellaneous unicycle parts I’m constantly wearing out or breaking. Problem is, I’m going on vacation at the end of June, so I either have to find somebody who will give me time off, or find something that starts at the beginning of July.

I drive a riverboat


Nothin, im too lazy,and young.

Building jet engines.

Be afraid, be very afraid…


I enrich uranium for Syria and Iran during the summer.

I’m being a hitman, but only part-time.

(I once gaved that as answer when applieng for my first CC)

And he’s not kidding!

I’m working at Wal-Mart, minimum wage, no benefits, but my manager is very wise and there’s a place for my Coker inside.


A place for your Coker? I was impressed before but now I’m floored.

I have an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Edit: Page 2 pwn3d!1!111

God Bless Richard Nixon.


Warning, the photos on this page are not for the faint of heart. This one could be right out of the Twilight Zone. (Hint: The broad is not human and is telepathically convincing the guy with glasses and his right hand up that dirtier air is actually cleaner air.)
