What's Your Favorite Soundtrack Album & Why

Hey Brothers and Sisters in the World Unicyclist Community:

Movie soundtrack albums are a unique niche in music, sometimes an interesting eclectic mix of songs, sometimes with the only song by an artist that you like, coupled with other gems. I’m a bit of a fan of the soundtrack album, and I want to know YOUR favorite soundtrack albums.

Sometimes you see a movie, you like the music, but the soundtrack is somehow a disappointment. Sometimes the movie sucks, but the soundtrack is great!

Broken Flowers is great movie, and the Soundtrack is also great.

What’s your favorite?


I like Forrest Gump…it has some sweet hippie music in it.
also the Zoolander soundtrack is awesome.

donnie darko has a great soundtrack.

Hackers. Same thing.

Interstella 5555. It is a music video / movie for the Daft Punk album “Discovery” the only sound in the movie is the album. Both are incredible.

Mortal kombat, I think, I’ve only heard the soundtrack, never seen the movie.

i like the katamari damacy soundtrack. one of the best video game soundtracks ever. i also like the lord of the rings soundtracks. very good.

ooh, yes, that hobbit song is soo good.

The soundtrack from Cal, by Mark Knopfler. A haunting mix of Irish-flavoured ballads. Sparse instrumentation, and world class musicians playing. Knopfler on guitars, Paul Brady on tin whistle, Liam O’Flynn on the pipes.

FLCL, great indy music by the Pillows.

Omg I wanna KILL myself when I play katamari. But that’s for another thread.

I like the LOTR soundtrack very much too, and the soundtrack for the anime series .hack//sign. If we’re talking video games too, then the FF7 and FFXI soundtrack, and FFT to an extent.

Oh, I like the O Brother Where Art Thou sound track too. Funny stuff.

I’m a bit out of it with the video game thing [I know the Ms. PacMan soundtrack…]

Is the soundtrack so good you play the soundtrack when you’re not playing the game?

Any songs on it I would know?

yes. It rules, It is just hilarious in a Japanese way. No, you wouldn’t have heard any of the songs.

Pulp Fiction - because it reminds me of the movie and its awesome…

Silent Hilll soundtracks for sure…Akira Yamaoka is a badass


I tend to like classical music type soundtracks.
Some of my favorites are:
Empire Strikes Back
Jurassic Park
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan
Pirates of the Carribean
Lost Highway
Natural Born Killers

The soundtrack to Privilege is brilliant. Alas it’s not on CD. My mother still has a scratchy old LP, though. The music is beautiful and the subject matter still timely.

Patti Smith covers Privilege (Set Me Free) on her Easter album.

Natural Born Killers.
It isn’t as much a soundtrack as a score consisting of contemporary songs.
It’s pretty incredible in that sense.
The ‘Lost Highway’ soundtrack is similarly impressive.

I know its 80’s but I’d say Top Gun it makes you fast.