whats your accent?

No, but so far it’s shown that we all have the same accents as northeasten americans :astonished: (or is that just the closest to our accent?)

I’d be interested in an english version of this, as there are so many different and mixed accents all over the place!

Funny, I got the same thing…weird.



Neutral! (Milk Hotel?)



It said I was North Central. I find that surprising. I must be mis-reading something in the questions.

How do you score a Western accent?

thats how i say bag and vague

For me there was a couple questions were I could have gone either way, because the answers didn’t really seem to fit or they were too close to tell.

to expand

i say bayyygg and vayyyggg with very little accent on the G, as in its almost an after thought.

What are some quirks of your guys’ local dilaect?

in SE michigan we have a tendancy to add an “S” to the end of places.

so i got to Tagrets not target


This could either mean an r-less NYC or Providence accent or one from Jersey which doesn’t sound the same. Just because you got this result doesn’t mean you don’t pronounce R’s.(People in Jersey don’t call their state “Joisey” in real life)

but im an aussie? maybe us ozzies are more similar to the english who seem to be getting this a lot too?

Around here instead of saying you guys we say ‘yins’. You say it just like it is spelled. I here people from Pittsburgh(pa) have a strange accent, who knows.

:thinking: I’m Northeastern, is that a good thing or a bad thing??? :thinking:

I can’t really see how ANYONE in the US could possibly have a neutral accent.


Easy, they’re not GOOD or EVIL. They’re just…NEUTRAL

(since I am French this is yet another proof of continents drift!)

it says neutral but that doesn’t seem to add up. Lots of people tell me I have Boston accent. Some think it’s heavy and others don’t, but it’s always Boston.


This could either mean an r-less NYC or Providence accent or one from Jersey which doesn’t sound the same. Just because you got this result doesn’t mean you don’t pronounce R’s.(People in Jersey don’t call their state “Joisey” in real life).

I’ve never even been to America.

Edit: they’re right about the rs, though. I barely ever say them.

I got Canadian, what a surprise.

So then who would you say does have a neutral accent?