What's with this?

Has anyone seen this stuff? What’s with it? Kinda funny but not really. I think these ads were sponsored by exxon. Really stupid stuff!

I was dragged away from my beloved MR for this?
I will look at it later don’t worry.

what isn’t with it!

Look at it NOW!

Seriously…that girl in the first one couldn’t even blow her dandelion bare…

That wasn’t quite the point I was trying to make…

So one side is saying that all of the Carbon-Dioxide is causing global warming, when the other side that if we try to limit and get rid of a lot of carbon-dioxide, we would be getting rid of life.

I am now interested about the other studies. I have heard all about glaciers melting and whatnot, but I have never seen one about them growing back. But in the video, it says there is, so ill have to do some research.

I am also gonna go to glacier park, in Montana. It will be interesting to ask the rangers and official up there about global warming affecting their parks. Then, when I am there, I can compare pictures throughout the years and compare if there is a loss or growth.

They are. They get just over 9 per cent of its budget from Exxon Mobil.

This from Treehugger.com
The CEI ad “Glacier” quotes two studies in Science magazine, one as saying " Greenland’s glaciers are growing, not melting" and the other as saying “The Antarctic ice sheet is getting thicker, not thinner.” That drew quick objection from an editor of Science and from the author of the Antarctica study.

Brooks Hanson, a deputy editor at Science, complained in a May 19 news release that CEI was misrepresenting both the studies and also the general state of scientific knowledge:

Hanson: The text of the CEI ad misrepresents the conclusions of the two cited Science papers and our current state of knowledge by selective referencing.

The lead author of the Antarctica study, University of Missouri professor Curt Davis, said in the same release that CEI was twisting his findings deliberately to mislead the public:

Davis: "These television ads are a deliberate effort to confuse and mislead the public about the global warming debate. They are selectively using only parts of my previous research to support their claims. They are not telling the entire story to the public.

For one thing, the release said, Davis’ study only reported growth for the East Antarctic ice sheet, not the entire Antarctic ice sheet. More importantly, it said that growth of the interior ice sheet is just what scientists had predicted would happen as a consequence of global climate warming, bringing about more snowfall in previously arid regions of the continent.

Davis’s study indicated the increased ice accumulation in the interior might be offsetting the loss of ice at the coastal regions, or might not. It said that whether the entire ice sheet is shrinking “will depend on the balance between mass changes on the interior and those in coastal areas.”

One of the best places on earth! If you see any goats(you will), tell them Jackie(or goats) says hi. Thanks.:wink:

People still believe in global warming now, or has it passed yet?

Huh? It’s a big deal! It REALLY means the end of the f—ing world! Slowly but surely. I’m not exagerating! Study it up and then GO OUT AND FIGHT TO THE DEATH! The world is TOO MUCH to lose.

its not worth arguing semantics with forrest. he’s still bent on the whole “creation” thing :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:


completely off topic but from that post im thinking your a girl n/o ment

I’m a believer in the global whining theory. This global whining is on an upward trend that no one can deny.

I’ve said it before here. The way to take a bite out of the human caused greenhouse gas emissions is to convert to nuclear power for the majority of electricity generation and to switch to plug-in hybrids for cars. The plug-in hybrids would get their electric power from nuclear power plants rather than coal/oil/gas power plants.

For real, and they gave her like 3 different chances.

completely off topic but from that avatar im thinking your that freaking banana.:stuck_out_tongue: I’m male but i call myself Jackie cuz it confuses people…and it’s coooool. :sunglasses:


So what? They’re worried the governments gonna make everyone hold their breath or something? Stupid air propaganda.