whats ur favorite video game?

Paper Mario: a The thousand year door

because of all the little jokes in it. and it is really fun

ProjectUNI, though its not done yet! :wink:

I like the old school PC games like

  • Twinsens Odyssey
  • Theme Hospital
  • Theme Park World
  • Original GTA
  • Igniton
  • Abes Odyssey and Exodus.

So forth. :smiley: :smiley:

far cry cause it looks so awesome on my pc… 1680x1050 :slight_smile: (i’ll stop bragging promise)

Half life series cause its awesome.

Vice city - the mods were so fun then san andreas came and screwed it all up - GTAIII is worthy of a mention too though.

Freeciv www.freeciv.org (completely free Civ II clone. GO download ! its awesome.)

and Xmoto also free just look it up in google.

I like games without goals, like GTA and the Sims. I get tired of games fast, so I don’t like doing missions and such. That’s why I play MMORPGs because you dont have to lvl and fight, but you can talk to other people.

I think one game I can never get tired of is Final Fantasy: Tactics…I’ve always thought it was underrated. So much customization, an enthralling storyline (none of that romance-y nonsense like some other final fantasy games), and just fighting random battles is so fun. I still haven’t actually beat the game, but I’ve logged about 55 hours just making the perfect team, since the random battles go up in level to keep the challenge. Then when I finally go on to the next couple scripted story battles, the enemies are all 30-40 levels below me. :smiley:

Grim Fandango

Bomb Jack? sounds a bit mean on poor Jack.

I used to really like Street Fighter II. That’s the last game I would’ve called a favorite.

Really, I can’t stand a lot of newer games, especially FPS ones.

That was a really fun game.

Anyone ever played the game version of the Lawnmower Man? The movie was horrible but the game was really addictive.

My favorite series of games happens to a be a seldom known series made by capcom known as Monster Hunter, i have over 500 hours combined in the 2 versions of it i own, my avatar happens to be one of the dragons (Teo Teskotal) from the newest versions of the game.

I owned the first Monster Hunter, got a lot of hours logged on it…not anywhere close to 500, heh, but I agree that game is very underlooked. One of the coolest concepts I’ve seen for a game.

ell ya

Tetris for the Gameboy, of course! It’s still the best handheld game there is.

Beat level 9, 5 high to launch the space shuttle.

Best handheld game is Pokemon red or blue, sorry. Those games were awesome.

I got Pokemon red with my first big gray gameboy many christmases ago…good times.

Crazy Taxi, the original Asteroids (Atari), Blasteroids (Atari’s 3rd generation of the game), Doom (1995 version), Assault, Space War.

I want rape fest 07 made into a game that would be sweet.

Michael, shock humor is rarely as funny as you intend it to be. When you combine that with the anonymity of the internet, and with people who know next-to-nothing about the intricacies of your personality, the results are almost never good. I’m an avid supporter of both free speech and the risk of being offended by said speech, but there is a time and a place for everything…and this is nowhere near an appropriate place for shock humor. Just chew on that for a while.

I get what you mean 100%. It is just an on going joke among me and my friends/brother and just thought of it and posted it. I really just didn’t think of the most “shocking” (or how ever you describe it) and say “hmm I will post this”. I thought of a on going joke which I always think of a way to work it into a situation and chuckled so I posted it thinking somebody might laugh at it. I knew somebody like you Matt or who knows would say something…

This is not to you particularly Alex. [rant] People need to know something about me. I laugh at my jokes. That is why I tell them I like them so I share them. Sometimes I tell a “me joke” meaning I am not sharing my magical comedy journey to a land of laughter with you. If I want to invite people to come on the fantastical journey they will know. It is not a mistake when I invite people or I decide not to. That is how it goes.[/rant]

I think you and Hazmat would get along pretty well. You guys should have your own thread were just the two of you talk. Then the rest of us would just watch…I guarantee you it would never die or get old at all.