whats ur favorite video game?

i was wondering what everyones favorite video game? mine is probably need for speed most wanted or Star wars battlefront 2. (too bad there arn’t any unicycling games like all the tony hawks games)

Halo multiplayer

Then starcraft.

Used to be a few MMO’s up there but I can’t play those anymore…I don’t have a number 1 favorite.

Project Uni!, haha just joking

It would have to be the Never Winter Nights series or the Age of Empires

Halo 2


Super smash bros.

i dont play video games a hole lot anymore but my favorite is the Madden series, not only cus i like footballl and its fun but becus im unbeatable in that game, no joke ive only lost like two or 3 times in my hole life and those people whove beaten me ive beaten them more times

Everyone I’ve known who has played those games has always been “the best” and “unbeatable”…I always wonder why people enjoy those sports games…if you really want to play football, go outside and play.

well i actually play in HS but im not playing this year cus im gonna get a job insted and its kinda boring to go outside and play with 2 people

See avatar.

I’m suprised no one has said uni-racers (I haven’t played it my self, so I don’t know if its good or not)

I play uniracers on my ZSNES emulator. It’s not really too fun, and it’s not really my favorite. My favorite game is probably Battlefield 2142 online. It’s the bombskies.


I challenge anyone here to a little halo 2.

If anyone has the guts to face me…I’ll be waiting.

lol halo 2 rocks but i don’t have a gaming system (just an awsome computer full of games lol) i’d verse u but i don’t have a gaming system :angry:

Its cool, I get those “I would play you but…” all the time.

haha but seiously thats cool that you got a good computer, wanna trade? Mine’s older than me with a monitor I sometimes think is giving me cancer.

I like Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I’ve been replaying that for a while. The old Super Smash Bros. is really good too, alone with the old 007 for N64. Halo is good, Half Life is better, however, I think they’re both overrated. The Timesplitter series is fun…has good replay value. I really like the Gran Turismo games too…definitely the best racing games out there for PS2.

One game I played over the summer at my dad’s house was Midnight Club:3…this game was cheesy, cram-packed with stereotypes (the garage dude in San Francisco was Mexican, the one in Atlanta was black, and the one in Detroit was white), and not realistic at all. It was fun, though. Even when I wanted to throw the controller through the TV.

I’m a 34 in team snipers, and a 41 in team slayer. beat me.

I like GTA hot coffee oh yeah… not really I just like shooting people and running from cops. Man hunt is a close 2nd just because the gore and the fact you can beat peoples heads in with bats and shit like that.

Battlefield 2142, guitar hero 2, counter strike source, counter strike 1.6, halo PC, and soon to be CRYSIS!!!

and what game would that be?
i really dont have a clue. it looks funny and cool though

I like super smash bros. Cant wait for the new one. Also mario Kart, Zelda, and Fire Emblem. All those games are great. The Halo games… kinda fun but way too over rated. Seriously their not that good. Its just like any other shooter game nothing really all that new.