I have a question for everyone. Why does the majority of bike trials people hate us? I mean we never do anything to them so whats their deal, and i know not all of them are like that buts why?
I think they are afraid of different
I have a question for everyone. Why does the majority of bike trials people hate us? I mean we never do anything to them so whats their deal, and i know not all of them are like that buts why?
I think they are afraid of different
They hate us because people like you want them to hate us.
Go out there and dont be a dick to fellow riders, show them what you can do and they will respect you. You need to earn respect it is not something given to you.
first of all shut your mouth because all the riders I trials ride with do bike trials so dont say things you have no Idea about
Think before you act man
Dude then your like proving your point wrong, so please no hate wheres the love…
My point is still the same,
Dont have such a negative outlook on another comunity. You shouldnt assume that they are going to respect you because you ride a unicycle, Big F*cking Deal.
I used to ride with 2 pro trials riders all the time and have been to several comps with both bikes and unicycles. All of my experences have been that if someone goes out and starts talking themselfs up and cant back it, people are going to talk shit on you. Bringing a Uni in the mix just adds to this because you are comming into their community as an outsider. If you just go out there and ride people dont say shit, rather they give you nothing but respect as a fellow rider.
Dont assume everyone hates unicycling because they dont. They may not be fimiliar with it, but that doesnt mean that they hate unicycling.
well i never talk up about myself I only compliment people because then I dont look like an ass. Because I find bike trials super crazy too
Here is another Idea BigFisher that I just thought up, Instead of posting a vague 2 lines of text saying that bike trials riders hate unicyclist, why dont you take 5 min to elaborate on why you think that they hate unicyclist.
If you want discussion on something you first must provide the seeds of thought for the discussion. Or you will get comments like I gave you initially.
Not all bike trials riders hate us. And not all of them love us. But some do hate us, some do love us, just as it is in the normal population. The fact that these people do ride bike trials doesn’t make them hate us, the fact that they are humans and are afraid of things that are different makes them hate us. Or makes them love us. Or something in between.
Just my $0.02 USD…
Generally speaking, bike trials riders I’ve met here in Australia have all loved unicycling. Out of the 50 or so I’ve spoken to none have said (or seemed to think) anything negative at all.
They only talk shit online, where they can be bullies. I confronted one of them on OTN about seeing me at motorama and seeing his response and he backed off.
Yeah, the internet seems to do that doesn’t it. People need to get out more.
Yeah it’s the same in New Zealand, all the bike trials guys i’ve met/ridden with have been really positive towards unicycling. I haven’t had any negative comments from them, they even invite me to go on rides with them. Also the bike trials community in NZ pretty much includes unicycling in all events they take part in/host, for instance they invited us to X-Air with them, at all the national comps they invite us, they have a really great attitude towards unicycle trials, and try and get us along to as many events as we can, its great.
Yeah but online they act like…douchey faggots (injoke, read the thread)
by chance was the guy you confronted that Andrew guy i think his name on otn is Andrew T
same reason inline an board hate each other…and why white made black slaves
Ps Unicycling sux MUhahahahahahahah
Bicycles are at least twice as gay as unicycles… probably more, i mean, they have handlebars, freewheel, brakes, gears…
They are so gay.
I hate it when skateboarders hate us. They think because they are closer to the ground that they are better than us. I really hate that. If you let me fall off my unicycle then I can get close to the ground as well!
Really strange. That’s almost exactly what a biker said to us recently, only the other way around.
Congratulations, lleberg, you not only proved yourself ignorant, but you just proved that bikers and unicyclists are not that different!!
Yes i hate all of them other people that talk shit about uni riders. Thers alot of that where i live,even my friends talk shit about me because i can uni and he cant.He was going to get one for christmas but didnt then i did get one for christmas and he was like sweet untill he tried it then he was an ass and said those are stupid clown machines anyway now hes just peer ass and i hate him.