Woah, Tellurider, that’s an amazing x-ray! Congrats!!
I broke my wrist falling backwards,
broke my big toe jumping onto/falling off a log (still don’t know exactly how), broke a rib trying to learn ultimate wheel with wrist guards on, fell with the plastic bit of the guard sticking into my chest breaking the rib (never worn them since!),
and finally broke my collar bone trying to beat 17.7mph (my record) on a 24" with 89mm cranks.
I too, like Harper (I think it was him who said it), don’t count shin/skin wounds anymore. But the best one I’v done was photographed and documented here
When I showed my Ma the healing up of ^^ wound, she was totally shocked at the state of my legs from unicycling and told me I had to calm down and start taking care of myself. I just laughed and said, “It’s only skin”
Isn’t unicycling great!
Oh Aye, all of this in under two years unicycling!