whats MRIS?

ive seen it in some peoples sigs and wanted to know what it is/ stands for


Cowichan valley riders

I am looking for people that ride uni in the cowichan valley. I have been living here for several months and only ran into one guy, whom I think was a little freaked out when i ran after him to ask him if he wanted to ride. Anyhow, I have been wanting to hit up prevost nad zuhalem, I got some wheels to get around. Lemme know though email if you want to ride its mattyinthevalley@gmail.com

Younge old, slow or fast i dont care, jsut wanna ride with some peeps. Later, matty

Is the search feature broken?

most replies inner secret

I guess it is.



Most Replys Inner Sanctum. 530 posts or more in MR.

Inner Scrotum you mean…DUH

Well I had to leave part of it for them to find out themselves.

link to old message no workie.