What's Missing?

What stuff in your life that you know own, can’t you find?

Maybe it’s hiding somewhere in your home or maybe you lent it to someone but can’t remember who. Perhaps someone you live with is deliberately hiding it from you because they hate it.

I can’t find my Yes Fragile CD or my Velvet Underground Live with Lou Reed Vol 1 CD.

This is driving the rock and roll animal in me close to the edge.

ive lost 100’s of picks for my guitar, they just go, maby to magical pic heaven or somthing.

Guitar picks are actually chameleon in that once dropped on the floor or left in a spot for even a short length of time, they simply take on the coloring or pattern of wherever they’re sitting and, right there though they may be, you’ll never see them again.

This is why you should play the banjo. Banjo picks can’t hide.

I never lose things. Every possession I have has a specific place where it is kept when not in use.

I only have problems finding things after someone uses my stuff without permission or my mom cleans my room.

But somehow the default CPU heat sink for my Athlon 64 ran away. I put it back in the box, and then I put the box with my other computer bits. How could it have escaped?

I lost my Rubiks Cube…actually, I know for a FACT it was stolen, but I can’t help but wonder, who the heck (besides me) would steal a Rubiks Cube??

I know exactly where my Yes Fragile CD is. It is stuck (permanantly) in the broken CD player in my car. Whenever I hit a bump it comes on, plays for a few seconds and then stops.

What’s missing are my high school class ring and my birth certificate. I had occasion to need both of them recently and couldn’t find either one.

The same section every time or does it vary?

It is always the first few seconds of Roundabout, which is a great song, but hard to enjoy when you know it is going to be cutting out in a few seconds.

I’m missing my youth and my sanity. I remember I had my youth just yesterday (where did these two young men come from who are living in my house?) but I don’t remember the last time I had my sanity.

I lost a couple of important pieces of paper today at work. I looked for them for 20 mins and had even decided that I had accidentaly torn them up and thrown them in the bin. Then I rememberd I’d put them on another table, by the phone so that I would remember to phone someone about them. :roll_eyes: What a waiste of 20mins.


Story of my life
That’s about all that I lose

Well timed post…I can’t find my receipt for my most recent order from UDC, so I can’t track it now. :frowning:

I’ve been told many times that I’m missing a wheel! :astonished:

Wondered when that would show up

If you really want to find them, just go out and purchase new ones. The old CD’s will show up within a very short time.

I lost woodworking plans for a Rocking horse. They had been missing for a couple of years. I ordered a new set, and within a short period of time, the old set appeared.

i lose a lot of things, but only for aobut a day then i see them, but with my guitar picks… i dont even want to know how many i have lost, but i always have them in supply, so it doesnt bother me that i lose them quickly.

Other than that ill just misplace something then find it later =p

I cant 2 nut bolts for my seatpost on my unicycle

My truck’s rear view mirror has a little square in one corner that displays the compass direction and the exterior temperature. One day the little display went haywire, then disappeared altogether. I was very disappointed. I loved the two functions but my truck had just gone out of warranty and I figured a replacement mirror would cost me a bundle. So I lived with the display not working for about a year. Then the other day as we were driving into the 'burbs, Ben reached up behind the mirror, found a loose plug, reconnected it and now the display works fine.

Where’s my idiot award?

Probably in your son’s bedroom with all those other idiot awards. :wink:

alright here it is. Recently i lost 3 things, 1 not to bad, one bad, and one TERRIBLE.

  1. A drinks bottle, i left this at a sportscentre with my

  2. Coat, this was bad becausse my dad was dissapointed with me after losing

  3. 10 volleyball shirts. It was my turn to wash them and i left them at the wrong game, they cost 20-30£ to replace so thats not good.

I found items 1 and 2 but am still missing the item i do not want to buy.
