Its all about linkin park! If they arent playing for the video, its not worth it.
Thats the most important part.
After that, you do NOT want to riding to match the feel and rhythm of the song. Never do that. Ever.
Actually, before even the editing parts, make sure the person who is filming you has just drank 3 cups of all day energy drinks and is talking on the phone. You really want a shaky and blurry image.
Now, open up the most basic editing software and use every filter they have at the start of each clip and at the end of the clips as well. Seriously. You want the filters and effects to stretch across the whole video. That will impress everyone.
Now, add in the flashes. Like the riding, this shouldnt fit the music, in fact, it should be 60bpm faster than the songs tempo, being in a 5/4th signature, going from eighth note, eighth-triple, 16ths, 5thlits, a burst a 32nds and repeat. That will really make people feel like they are part of the experience and will spark the new dance of going crazy on the floor with lots of drool.
Always add a subliminal flash of some obscene image.
Then for the end, credit all the people that had nothing to do with you or the vid, and even rant a little about someone you dont like. It will show you love and really repect the people.
Then let the last 3 mins of the movie be black, because the song isnt over, and no one wants to cut off the song just because the video is over. So now they can sit back and stare at the black screen, and think of all the awesomeness they just saw.