Whenever you go to google.com it always redirects you to the google version of the country you’re in, google.cz for me, google.co.uk for Mikefule and google.co.zw for Jerrick. It also automatically changes the interface language in most cases to match the prevalent(or official) language of your country, disregarding your operating system language setting or anything else.
However, when you go maps.google.com it always makes you look at the good old US of A. Why? I want to see my country! Or better still, my city. It would be much more convenient.
Google China was established in the late 90’s. If you go to google.cn and click Maps(third option from the left on the top toolbar) it defaults to a map of Asia.
I don’t think many of you realize that .com is short for .commercial, indicating that the website was meant to be connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises, something that occurs far more often in this country than any other.