What's an easy way to pay schlumpf from the US

I have an invoice with a total in swiss francs ( total 47.00 CHF). So I should pay in that currency. I don’t think Schlumpf takes credit cards, or paypal, so seems I need to send a bank check in swiss currency. I haven’t had to deal with this before, my local credit union won’t write a bank check in CHF’s, and there are no local currency exchanges. Given the global economy of the world paying to foreign country shouldn’t be difficult. I’m asking, What is a inexpensive, easy, safe way to pay a bill from the US to Switzerland.

schlumpf seems to list a bank on it’s invoice, so perhaps there is a way to transfer funds, but I don’t know about doing that.

I checked Western Union, they want $15 dollars, and they seem to only send to another western Union in Switzerland, which doesn’t work.


He takes credit card.

Wire transfer fees would exceed the amount you owe, but they can be done at any bank.

Hello Gilby,
Thanks Gilby, Suddenly this sounds a lot simpler. I had mentioned with my order that I have a credit card but there was no reply on how to take advantage of it. Also when I called my bank, they didn’t offer a wire transfer. I’ll specifically ask.

Bank transfer for me was like a 30-40 dollar service fee.

You can also email your credit card in separate emails, or call him with the info. I would recommend sending your credit card in a combo of emails or something and save the bank transfer fees. I did the bank transfer for the hub, and when I ordered some spare parts I payed by sending my credit card and it worked a lot easier that way.

Hello James, I was just ready to go to my bank to wire the money, luckily I saw your post before I left. Yeah, a wire transfer cost $40 :astonished: , looks like I’ll use the credit card. That 4 email security sound flaky to me, so I’ll try to call. (had to upgrade me home phone service to allow international calling) So far no answer, must have closed shop before I called.

Schlumpf is fast with the parts, I have the parts ordered 8 days ago!