Whatever happened to playing PROJECT UNI???

Bailing after Nail a trick (but on a uni) would be awesome… just imagine… landing sketchy, tyre unflexes, guy goes flying… :smiley:
We must beg to activision to make it!
oh and I forgot to mention on my list, create a character, but like on tiger woods where It actually looks like yourself!

I think we should make a letter, with a request from everyone in the unicyclist.com forums, including official requests from every unicycling pro you can think of, along with videos of trials unicylcing, and send it to them begging for a game and proving that they could get sales! who’s up for it?

yeah, I’ve considered that actually. I was going to put a post up but didn’t.

That would be so cool to ride around and have the pros on the game, like Kris, Shaun, Yoggi, Joe etc. That would be awesome!

Oh, and terry :smiley:


Ok heres how I think it should work. I know Kris will be willing to help. When the first letter is finished, Post a new thread. get everyone we can to record themselves saying something like “I’m … Ive been unicycling for … years/month and I can…” . then make them do the trick they said and finish the vid by going “I would love to have a realistic unicycling game out”.
put all these vids together in one like… 2 hour film and send it to them.

Sound like a plan?

Sounds like a plan. If we can get Kris, Yoggi and The UDC people we’d have most of the manufactures involved too. I think thats pretty much a necessity to have the companies in it, because It will help the game be more realistic.

yep good Idea. I’ll make a note of it. and Ive got kris’s email address so I can inform him of it. first things first is to make the official message

I’d have to leave that to you I’m afraid. I’m not to good with official things lol. I could try and get hold of Roger, and Sponge may be able to get Yoggi’s email… If its not on the site.

yeah sure… I like challenges.
but yeah, It would be awesome though.

yeah it would, I reckon the game company would only make it if they knew there was a large market for it, so it will have to appeal to a lot of people, and get rid off the circus idea people have when they thing of unicycles. The circus idea could hold it back… people have to see unicycling as fun and a serious sport really.

good point,
and for changing there mind, a TV add would be all action trials… maybe even have a trials biker failing to do the same line as a unicyclist… or something… but thats ages ahead yet, we just need to think about getting the letter done

yeah, deffinetly. Im Off again wont be long!

Dont forget to get friendly with an actual gaming company. Im pretty sure Kris, Ben, and Roger all dont know how to make a video game. EA Games and others, well, they know what they are doing.

Exactly! Do these game companies have sites? I’ll have a look

I’ve got EA’s address
Electronic Arts Limited, Onslow House, Onslow Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4TN United Kingdom

Might help :roll_eyes:

How the hell do you make your own trials courses? I think there is an editor but hell, it makes no sence.

It would be cool if you could…
-Select your own unicycle
-More tricks like grinding, side-hops, unispins
-and like everyone else said

(And I still don’t understand this plan)

I completed winter wonderland, after the storm was just next to impossible though.

I can’t do either! They’re impossibly hard

If I were you I would stick to activision or maybe EA. activision are the guys who made the whole series of Tony Hawks games and Matt Hoffmans bmx

yeah, thats best I reckon.

ok I’m gonna check out activisions website.
also we need to consider like where it will be based and stuff. You can’t just leave it to the developers or it would not be realistic

I know! There was a thread on here before about the best unicycling cities… that could help!

Also what type of unicycling will it be mainly… trials, street, freestyle, flat, muni? They’re all possibilities. Although the more popular street, trials and muni would probably be best and most appealing.