What would you do for $500?

heres where you post the tings you will do for money.
i’ll start us off.

For $500 I would:

  • Put a stoking over my head and go into a servo and ask if they have any Fake guns.
  • go into a shopping center and try to get a piggyback ride off a sercurity guard.
  • dress up as spiderman and run around the city all day protecting evil.

yeah i can’t think of anymore right now.
what would you do?..

i’d wear ski boots for a whole week, and act like nothing was out of the ordinary.

Wrap my genitals in tape, or something, and walk around outside like that for a few days.

I think you mean, “protecting the innocent”, and “fighting evil.” :sunglasses: (Unless of course you work for the ACLU, then your statement would be accurate! :slight_smile: )

you can do better than that.
you might like pretend to want to have sex with animals at the zoo and constantly rub up against the cage air humping nothing.

fine. i’ll wear ski boots at wet and wild for a whole day, going on all the rides and stuff, then i’ll take pictures of myself at a gay bar in the city, wearing ski boots. then post one of them on the net somewhere.

you better.

but whos gunna pay me 500 bucks

i’d also go to the zoo, stand infront of the lions cage, rub sunblock all over myself while yelling OH YES.

you know what…
im not.

I would buy 499 lottery tickets.

uhhhh why. thats not like XTREME!!! :astonished:

It’s XTREMEly stupid.
At the end I would have blown $500 and have nothing to show for it.

well no cause u’d have a dollar left to spend on sommit sensible like some sweets :stuck_out_tongue:

Easy, Give me the $500, so me and my unicycle friends can have something to eat/drink while we are doing our charity cruise on unicycles. We’ll ride through out our hometowns and so forth. That way we can have fun, meet new people, show them our uniqueness/tricks, raise money for needy causes and forget we ever had $500 in the first place. That’s what i would do.

Take care

I think the idea is that you do something crazy, and THEN you get the 500 smackers.

What would I do? I’d wear an ‘I <3 Paris Hilton’ shirt to school one day. Now that is extreme.

For $500 I would swollow saliva for an entire day while riding my unicycle in a public place. I get to pick the saliva.

If i could really actually get 500 bucks…i would do anything…as long as it didnt involve me naked or humping the bars of an animal cage

I’d eat a Klondike bar.


Go rob a bank then.