What was your "First Post"?

Reading Dave’s comments about never really giving an introduction made me look back for my first post on rec.sport.unicycling (oh yes, I used the newsgroup back then…). It was really quite a strange read…

The last bit I thought particularly nice… juggling on a unicycle. I can juggle on a unicycle, but that fell off “the plan” a long time ago, to be replaced with all these great things you can do on a unicycle that I’d never even thought about.

Then, of course, my second post the morning after…

Can anyone else find their “first post”? It’s interesting to see how your aims have changed since then…


Oddly enough I think I remember your first post.

Truth be told I didn’t know about Unicycle.com at the time and they didn’t have Schwinns then anyway. My first uni had been a Schwinn and I wanted another. I had been “out of unicycling” since about 1981.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

As far as I can find on Google, this is my first post:

Quite a strange introduction to the group. What must they have been thinking? Who is this weirdo looking for a bunk mate.

I had been lurking for quite a while before that. I still find that first post to be a little odd.

But it does bring back nice memories of the mailing list back when the post volume was a lot lower.

Ive changed quite a bit.

I was compelled to make my first post after being blown away by the mUNIac video www.muniac.tk (I just intended to lurk – sorry everybody for the change in plans). The mUNIac video drew inspiration from the equally amazing film Koyaanisqatsi. And thus it inspired my first post and my eventual sig line.

And then I immediately embarked upon highly technical issues and self-deprecation…

I know, I know. It’s very technical.

And THEN… (isn’t this so exciting???) I started my very own first thread: Does leg armor fully protect calf agaist steel-pinned pedals?

And it’s been downhill ever since. Except that today I was complimented by John Foss and the legendary Klaas Bil. I mean, the legendary… the… Well, anyway, it’s here.

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

My first post was actually also my first thread. When searching for my first post I just discovered I’m on my 965th post. I’m fast approaching the big 1000 :). So here’s the post…

Well I’ve still got that goal of reaching 6’ drops. It’s slowly getting nearer.


Re: What was your “First Post”?

how do i go about looking for my first post?

Re: Re: What was your “First Post”?

Oh, man. Do we have to teach you everything? :slight_smile:

Assuming you have always posted via the forums (and not Usenet or the mailing list), then just find one of your posts and click the Profile button in your post. At the top of your profile page, across from where it says Profile For GILD, click the link “Search for all posts by this user.”

It will start showing the most recent, so go to the last page by clicking the “Last >>” link. At the bottom of that page will be your very first post. By the way, what does namaste mean?

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

Re: What was your “First Post”?


I bet you didn’t expect a “no” answer. Dave is doing great with quoting, but needs help searching. On the other hand, I bet he masters vBulletin before I master basic unicycle riding!

No offense (offence) intended, Dave. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

Totally off-topic, I hope the starter of the thread will forgive me… :slight_smile:

The other week I was riding in a forest when on trying to move off from hopping I noticed both of my shoelaces were caught round the cranks. That was a dead scary sight, given that I was effectively attached to the the unicycle and completely incapable of dismounting!!!

Luckily one of them was quite loose so a revolution backwards got it off. Whenever it’s happened before it’s just snapped the lace, so maybe it’s not quite as bad as it sounds…

Since then, I tuck the laces into themselves twice… I’ve had enough faceplants (1) for the time being…

Anyway I’m amazed how many people replied to this thread. I was expecting to come back this morning to find it was just me interested in people’s first words… :roll_eyes:


I think it’s a great thread. Here you go Dave…


Re: Re: Re: What was your “First Post”?

yes, except the meaning of the word namaste

it’s an old sanskrit word and a quick google search will show you the myriad of different interpretations and ‘translations’
i prefer, and use it in this sense, ‘the god in me salutes the god in you’

thanx for finding my first post andrew, i’m going to make some time to read thru my early stuff
could be fun

what is vbulletin?

Re: Re: Re: Re: What was your “First Post”?

“vbulletin” is the name of the software that powers the forum.



I still haven’t gotten a tattoo yet, but check out this piece of history:

Link to the thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16876

I thought the uni as it was was soooo fantasic, what with the 1.9 xc tire and everything…until the Toronto Unicyclists (mainly Carl…at the Toronto Bike SHow a year ago)) directed me to this site. Thanks Carl! (Visa thanks you as well :()

Re: What was your “First Post”?

In January 2000 this was my first post, at a time when I had never ridden an unicycle nor imagined I ever would:

So yes, Phil is right: aims change…

Klaas Bil

My first post was less than 2 months ago, so it was easy to find!
All of you have been a great help since I put that first post up and I now own 3 unis already and did my first “serious” Muni ride at Flat Rock Ranch in the beautiful Texas Hill Country last weekend!!!

It’s been great following your progress and I’m glad you too have gotten into muni. It’s so much fun!


Thanks, Andrew. I can’t wait 'til Saturday to head back out to Flat Rock. Unibabyguy and S_Wallis should be joining me, so I’m hoping to learn a little more by watching them. This time I’ll have more time to ride and do a little more experimenting!!! hehehe

I remember my first post, even though I havn’t gone looking for it. It was some years ago( maybe 6) and was on the subject of " apeaseing thor, the god of long distance saddle weary unicyclists" or something like that, IIRC it involved liberal application of vasaline and the wearing of cycle shorts. I have since discovered but butter.