What unis do you want?

You’re waiting for a schlumpf, why didn’t you mention it before? :wink:



I think it would be pretty bad@ss to own a devil. Nothing custom, just the standard devil uni. I want one to ride trials, but I won’t buy one because I don’t have the balls to learn trials. There’s just something about the drops and smashing my gooch that keeps me away.

woah, this thread is pretty old… I think I want

-Nimbus ISIS 20" with KH Moment cranks
-KH 24" Muni
-Nimbus BC Wheel

I want… a KH24
a n36
a nimbus x freestyle
a Guni
a Qu-ax monster bike…
hmm and possibly all of the novelty unicycles.

i want a
torker dx
bedford bc
20inch KH
and a torker girraffe

  1. Kh Geared 24"
  2. Trails uni, Kh wheel, titanium frame and CF seat
  3. motorised uni

Mabey one day I’ll win the lottory and get them :slight_smile:

Well, for my trials uni, all I want for it is a CF seat and Thomson post, but I wont mater with those until I break my current stock setup.

What uni do I want right now? A KH 24".

Aren’t we supposed to wait until after halloween ?

I want a one wheeled Segway that looks like a BC wheel. Awesome ! :sunglasses:

And a special shop where they have wheels that start at 37" and go up in size at one inch increments, all the way up to to way to large for anyone. That way I could try them all before I bought the one that was as big as I could ride.:slight_smile: Air tire of course.

Right now like all I have time to ride is freestyle, and since I have my new coker which is pretty perfect almost finished, thats what I really want is a nice freestyle uni.

I also have a bit of yellow fever when it comes to freestyle unis so it has to be all Miyata.

This is what I would love to have in the near future https://www.mys-co.com/shop_e/item_detail.html?cat=1&id=1092&psid=a80e48fceeaf13c95768c1d3de8ce344

20" trials




that will prolly be the order of what I buy throughout my life unless im upgrading what i have.


and a giraffe whenever

RBR 48"

7ft giraffe

40" coker :smiley:

10" unicycle


Half fork

UW 36"

  1. KH geared MUni

  2. A 36" uni made for road with custom frame (then convert my current one to a 36" MUni or beater)

  3. KH Trials

  4. A walking machine (like a giraffe unicycle with legs)

You mean like this???

But, i’ve never seen anybody mount them. Do you do it the way you mount a normal giraffe?

5 foot Torker giraffe

Nimbus 29er

A sturdy 24 incher for Cross country/ Muni Likely a Nimbus


First I’ll get those, and then I’ll think about what to get next. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m actualy quite sated right now, with the possible exception of a KH Schlumpf i dont think there’s anything i’m after. On the flip side, I should probably get rid of my torker TX, bring it back down to four unis.

Yes. That one may have been based on some photos I gave Tom Miller back in the 80s. Close-up pictures of this one.

well Ive got a muni (KH 24 with brake),

and a freestyle uni (Nimbus X longneck),

so now im saving up for a domina.


no coker for me anymore…

Why a domnia? I hear those frames are not so good.

Anyways if I was offered a black xtp I would take it.