first i would have made this a poll but i don’t know how. ok my qestion of course is what type of people do you hang out with. i hang out with som bad skaters and i hang out with the none druggy skaters. i also hang out with normal people like one of my best friends isn’t a skater. i hang out with the none druggy skaters and some peoplem that are not nerds or anything else.
I hang out with wicked awesome people.
Well, personally, I have out with PEOPLE, and not skaters, or druggies, or w/e…my friends are people, and they friggin rock…who cares how you’d classify them
yeah…this is definately a useless thread but hwatever…im the same as monkeyman i just hang out with people i dont have certain little clicks that i choose to or not to hang out with…human kind has a social nature and so do i.
Generally, we are all respire.
What’s a normal person?
A social construct. Do I win £5?
Podzol, I honestly can’t make head or tail of this. Could you elucidate? Thanks.
hmmm prob just normal people but i try and avoid the druggy people cuz i want to avoid that kind of thing
Goodness, what have I started?
PS I’m a poor student. You can have 5p for being a smartypants.
most of my friends are retards! they are so dumb(for real). They used to be fun and kewl, but now they all do drugs and get drunk. They are so boring too! The only fun i can have with them is stuff that can get u into huge trouble.:o NOt all of my friends are like this, but most are…
P.S. im proud ive never done drugs!
someone i know-ish tried to sell me his only uni for his druggy needs, it cost like £25, i didn’t buy it though…
I hang out with all sorts of people from exstrem nerds, to realy stupid people and a few drugies, I spend most of my time with the nerdy ones though because the rest of them are to stoned or stupid to get any of my jokes:p
The Computer Science nerds, and the English Department people… Interestingly, many of the CS people are also uni people… Actually, I think most of our uni club is made of CS students (5 of us, if you include my CS minor) with a couple biz students, maybe a fine arts student, and a HS student…
we don’t all have the iq of a soil scinetist podzol. confused :o
I had to search the moving boxes for my copy of the compact OED for this one. I know, I know, it shoulda been the first thing I unpacked! The magnifying glass was already in my desk, thank goodness.
The only noun form of respire is from 1645 (the year, not the movie): G. Daniel Poetus “My close breathing tires My lungs, in oft respires.”
So Blake is saying “we are each a breath” or sighs, or…
Or it’s a Blake typo
The closest thing on this forum that I’ve seen is Andrew Carter’s avatar/photo, where he is definitely “close breathing tires”!
I reckon there’s something missing from this thread.
People are saying who they hang out with, nerds, druggies, etc. But I would like to know where you see yourself in that. Do you consider yourself a nerd, ‘normal’, druggy, etc.
Is it someone who is at right angles to his or her surroundings?
Excellent! I might go so far as to say, “Most excellent!”
Cathy, as part of her covert research into unispychology for her Professorship asked:
<,Do you consider yourself a nerd, ‘normal’, druggy, etc.>
Certainly not a druggy.
At work, I hang out with mainly fairly “normal” people. By “normal” I mean that they seldom deviate from the norms of behaviour or appearance for so-called respectable working class people. We have one vaguely hippy type, one extremely camp young gay lad, a few saddoes and misfits, and me. I am the only unicyclist or Morris dancer in the office, but not the only fencer, nor the only person who reads Greek mythology for fun. But on the whole, at work, I’m regarded as a bit of an oddball.
In the evenings, I hang out with fencers 3 nights a week, and I’m the only Morris dancer or unicyclist there, and one of only two with anything like a rock and roll attitude to dress sense. So I’m regarded as a bit of an oddball.
And one evening I hang out with Morris dancers, and I’m the only one with a sporting hobby, and one of only 2 who unicycle. I’m the Fool in the team (hence “Mikefule”) and therefore a bit of an oddball.
But I think I’m normal in the sense that I can’t imagine being very different without being bored silly. I don’t want a TV, I don’t want to consume pop-pap and drink lager at crappy theme pubs.
When I was in high school, there were the nerds, the preppies, the skaters, the stoners, the jocks, the gangbangers, and the band/theatre geeks. Am I missing any? I fit in with the nerds back then, although sometimes I was mistaken for a gangbanger because I shared a similar fondness for flannel shirts.