I’m looking into either getting a Kris Holm flatlands or a Nimbus. This will be my first good unicycle, and I will be learning a lot of new tricks on it. It will be taking a lot of wear and tear. Anyway, does the Nimbus have too many downfalls to be worth the price cut?
Thanks, Ben
For just starting you’ll probably be good with any trials unicycle. You could get the KH Flat too if you’re sure you just want to do pure flat, but a trials unicycle is more versatile if you want to ride a bit of street or trials sometimes. If you know you want to learn a lot of roll combos (like in the video below) you should make sure to get cranks with enough room to stand on comfortably. Good ones are cranks like Mad4One or KH Moments that you can attach rollos too, or tubular cranks (Koxx one street cranks or impact).
Hope that helps.
Also, get a pair of Nike 6.0’s everyone on here seems to love them =P