What to say about unicycles/unicycling at school

The task is: do a presentation about… something.

I chose unicycling, of course. What should I talk about?

I’ve decided for a little bit of history, explaining about Penny Farthings and such, and different styles of unicycling too.

What else can I say?

Are there any things I can use, show, do? (No, probably not or unicycling)

It’s got to be between 3-5 minutes, my class is comprised of 15-16 year-olds.

Any advice, hints, tips, sources, anything at all are welcomed



Besides what?

Talk about what you know. Describe your own unicycling, how you got interested, how hard it was to learn, do you think everyone in your class could learn if they wanted? Stuff like that.

make sure they see it as a sport rather that a circus thing…also show some pictures (or vids if you can) of some really big drops, amazing tricks or even some muni

dunno if this helps.

You could say how it gets you all the girls. That would keep 15-16 year olds interested. haha

Continuing on what sparrowhawk said, don’t even mention circus at all. I did a report about it, just talk about everything, make sure you leav no room for circus stuff. And make sure that at the end no one even remembers that they use to associate unicycles with the circus.
Mention these forums and how popular they are and how there are only unicyclist’s here.

Visual aids

Real Unicycle
Protective Gear

Download Pictures of Unicycles or Unicycling. Use labels on the photos describing the different styles. I am not sure how long your presentation must be, but I could easily fill 20 minutes with just the things I mentioned.

If you are allowed video for visual aids, that adds at least ten more minutes.

Easy topic.

Show no fear.
These kids can smell it a mile off.

start out by walking up to the front of the room and tripping over your unicycle… get up and do a uni spin or somthing, then launch into your lecture

Theya re un-informed 15 and 16 year olds. They will be interested if you show them high risk drops, gaps and grinds, not by technical flips and what not, maybe a good flip/spin into and out of grinds though.

They will also want to watch high risk moves going wrong. Wrecks, broken equipment. Theres a video with a slow motion drop with the rim getting demolished around here.

Be breif about the history, but say it. Be breif about the styles, say the style, and what it is about, show some pictures of it maybe, but then, focus in on street and trials, those two will draw the attention best.

After showing some good short clips of some street gaps and grinds, and some high drops of trials and crashes of both.

Close it up by saying how the sport hays progressed and it spreading pretty fast, and that many many girls will be willing to scream and holler at you. =p

play a ryan atkins video for 4:55, then for the last 5 seconds say “so, unicycling huh”

it would suck if you did that and lost marks because you didn’t keep eye contact.

Right everyone, thankyou for your replys, it’s just talking (but I’ll use the whiteboard as well), I can’t bring the unicycle either, talking is the point. Someone wandered for how long it should be, so I’ll just repeat it:


This is what I’m going to talk about:

Different styles of unicycling
Different uni-types
How I started unicycling
How to learn it (basically)

Is there anything else I’ve got to have?


Play the trailers for OTG,U2 and Defect.

No films, remember :wink: I’ll try to get the to-be victims (alias my classmates), to start unicycling in some other way though, T-shirts…