Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to look at a Yamaha SRX250N that’s for sale privately. I’m very excited. Apparently excellent condition, 4 months rego, $1950. I hope it suits me and I end up with it!
Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to look at a Yamaha SRX250N that’s for sale privately. I’m very excited. Apparently excellent condition, 4 months rego, $1950. I hope it suits me and I end up with it!
Hi there,
As a motorcyclist of some years standing, I’d strongly recommend getting the best safety gear (helmet, gloves, leathers, boots) you can afford and never ride without them.
Arrange some advanced training too if you can, even if you have just passed your test.
You should do this even if it means you can;t afford as good a bike as you really want. The training will help you stay out of accidents, and if you do get into one the gear will keep you as safe as possible.
You can always buy another bike…
Safe riding, on two wheels or one
Dude, thats a sexy bike. very clean
That writeup and those photos are not of the actual bike…just the same make and model (although the bottom photo is more like the one I’ll get…the top one is the US version apparently). Still very excited…it will be mine! In 8 hours!
I got it, I got it, I got it!!!
I got it!
Today I put down a deposit for an '84 Yamaha SRX250. It’s only done 34,000km’s (21250 miles), and was brought to Australia in 2000 I believe.
I’ve read good things about these bikes. I was very pleased to see that this one has a fuel gauge, as well as little windows so you can easily check the oil and brake fluid.
I took it for a test ride and was really impressed…it rides like a dream! It’s really light and manouverable and doesn’t get blown around in the qind quite as much as I’d expected at faster speeds.
The people I bought it from were extremely nice. The guy gave me his old (OLD) leather jacket even when it was clear I was already going to buy the bike. It’s also got half a tank of fuel in it which is nice. Basically buying the bike in general was just one of those experiences that renews your faith that there are actually still some nice people out there.
He’s going to get the Roadworthy Certificate for it by saturday and I’ll pick it up then.
Oh and one more thing… it’s red!
I’m so happy! Photos in two days.
Re: I got it, I got it, I got it!!!
forget about the bike, i want to see a pic of the jacket!
just remember to get the inline fuel-filter in there as soon as possible and u’ll be good to go
happy b*ke-ownership and ride safely (and like u stole it, but safely first )
very kewl
u should actually go buy a brand new one and then see hwo long it takes u to wear it to that level of ‘character’
Hey glad to hear your having an exciting time, that jacket definately has character. My dad gave me his old leather jacket, they make a big differance when it’s colder out, plus are good if you do have an accident to protect your skin.
I too am looking for a new bike, or at least something bigger than my 250. I’m kinda leaning towards dual purpose, so they can go on and off road. Not that i’ll be doing much off roading, but I like the way they look and have heard they handle well, have fun.
No, no, no!
We want a picture of you WEARING the jacket sitting on the bike. To make sure you look cool enough to ride.
GOOD LUCK WITH THE BIKE! Have a safe ride! (every time)
Once, I came to a stop at a “T” intersection. I looked both ways. I pulled out, turning left (and you have to cross to the far side of the road to do that in the US). Then I noticed a motorcycle coming at me! I just didn’t see him! He was still far enough away so there was no cause for alarm on his part. But close enough that I considered it a terrible and dangerous blunder on my part. The irony of this story? I was riding my Harley at the time.
Remember… “right of way” means nothing on a bike – always yield to things bigger than you. Always have your escape route pre-planned when cruising through intersections and the like. And in an emergency situation, don’t over-react and lose control – you are small and agile and can fit in small spaces that might appear between the obstacles that are blocking you (like that car that turned in front of you). Your size and agility and keen alertness can help compensate for your lack of protection and lack of stopping power. But you know all this stuff already. Have fun and stay safe, my friend!
Thanks Dave! Those are some very valid points. Consider them noted.
VERY cool Andrew! Love the B!ke, and the Jacket, congratulatoins on finally finding one.
Just don’t get to caught up in two wheels and forget about your one
I could have sworn more people died of natural deaths, but now I know better.
Here are some photos of my mom’s lario that she is passing down to me. I begged her not to sell it, and she said yes! I was so happy. Sexy Beast
Very nice…nice colour too.
Hey, I like both those bikes, very well designed.
Your not gonna ride barefoot are you Andrew, cause I wouldn’t suggest it : )
I went to a shop around here, they had alot of bikes, as well as 4 wheelers, I found mine before the I found the salesperson. It was with the other used ones, although none of them I would of guessed were used at first glance. I saw this one with flames that didn’t impress me till I looked at it better It’s a 740? Kawasaki Venture. Blue gas tank, orange flames, it’s a cruiser, not too many miles, 4,000 usd, and I really like it ( orange and blue are my favorite colors ).
So if you look around you’ll find something you like eventually. God blessed me with finding this, even if someone gets it before I decide.
A solution to the former problem of transport a unicycle via motorbike…
A 65L hiking backpack! I picked this up today in the Trading Post (if you don’t know what that is, watch “The Castle” ;)) for $45.
Sorry, here’s the pic…the tyre is fully inflated, and the Maxxis Creepy Crawler is slightly larger in outer diameter than a Luna or Monty.
Carefull the axle post is padded well.
… or your going to have a nasty bruise/hole in your back.