what to do when your unicycle is in a tree.

What to do:


  • Find a mouse.
  • Find a elephant.
  • Find a stick (long).
  • Find a string (Strong). [/LIST] [LIST=1]
  • place your unicycle in a tree.
  • Tie mouse to one end of string.
  • Tie stick to other end.
  • Mount elephant with mouse-string-stick hidden from view.
  • hang mouse-string-stick from front of elephant as you would hand carrot-string-stick in front of donkey.
  • Reverse park an elephant. [/LIST]
  • In A Tree?

    I vote that you climb up there, mount up, learn some new tricks, maybe “branch out a little” and be careful of a sudden “gust” of gravity! Think about the result on the ground because you will be right at the “root” of the problem. If you do nothing it should be down by September (in the Fall).

    Seriously, How did your uni wind up in a tree?

    I see you’re putting my old crack pipe to good use, I’m glad it found a good home :slight_smile:

    Oh no someones useing their imagination, they must be on drugs.

    In that instance… I put it there.
    did you not read step one in the second bracket?

    How do you get your unicycle out of a well?

    carefull, meastro8 will direct you to REC.SPORT.UNICYCLING if you keep that nonsense up in just conversation.

    How do you get your elephant out of a well?

    I dont have an elephant, the one i used earlier was a loaner.
    Also, you would need to get an elephant into a tree first, i imagine that to be the difficult part.

    stick on topic,
    What to do when your unicycle is in a tree?

    Borrow a ladder… wait, is it a deciduous tree?

    i said A tree not The tree.
    It can be any tree you want, although dont go putting your unicycle in a person’s personal tree, they might trace it back to me.

    What would you do if your unicycle was in a palm tree?

    probably go for a swim.

    dont go making this personal.

    Its simply: What to do when your unicycle is in a tree.

    Borrow a backhoe, uproot that tree, I wanna know where the gold at.



  • Turn the other cheek.
  • Take a walk in the afternoon sun.
  • Pick some flowers.
  • Sit on a leather arm chair in front of a roasty open fire and take stock. [/LIST]
  • I used to lock my unicycle on/in random trees on campus, sometimes near/on the ground, sometimes not. It sort of became a conversation piece.

    “I wonder where that fool locked his unicycle this time?”

    Oh the fun you can have with a long cable lock.

    just climb it :stuck_out_tongue:

    Don’t matters.

    Buy a new one!

    Unicycle in a tree?
    Take a picture.


    burn the tree

    Hah I was so interested in the unicycles that it took me a few seconds to even notice that there was a person in the tree.