I’m not a tea toteller (sp?); I like my wine dry and red, and my beer finely carbonated with a strong hoppy finish. yum!
The community: I’ve got my finger on the pulse of rural life in central PA. Traffic on the grass alleyway by my house is heaviest from 8-9 in the morning when “Petal,” an elderly gentleman, always walks by to get the news paper from the gas station; the three-church spaghetti dinner is on Wednesday nights; there are no available tent sites at the Grange Fair; and teenage Amish boys just out side of town smoke swisher sweets and drink Mountain dew.
The only reason I need know about closin’ time is to know when the most drunks are on the road so I don’t get hit on an evening unicycle ride.
ObieOne said bars in Philly close at 2:30. I don’t know if closing time is mandated at the county or state level here. Beer and wine are sold in separate specialty stores here, too. It’s strange that way for certain!
in iowa it’s 2 am. they take your drink from you right at 2. they do last call around 1:45. they can start selling again at 6 am. 8 am on sundays. i only know the morning part because i used to get off work around 5 am, sometimes 6. so a few times we’d walk down to the bar that opened at 6 and have a few. that was always weird.
This was very recently changed from 1:00 a.m. I think they can start serving again at 6:00a.m. except on Sundays. Sundays you can’t buy any alcohol until 10:00 a.m. and that was recently changed from noon. I’ll never understand that whole Sunday thing. Does somebody figure that if the drunks are forced to be sober for at least a couple of hours on Sunday they’ll bet bored and go to church or something? Or did some church-going legislator get upset that half the congregation was coming to church half-plastered at the 9:00 Sunday service?
The other Arizona alcohol law that I’ve seen changed is the minimum drinking age. Right about the time I was 18, they changed the age from 21 to 19. This was a reaction to the argument that if you could vote at 18 and if you could be drafted into military service at 18 (this was during the Vietnam war), you oughta be able to drink at 18. The state legislature couldn’t quite bring themselves to go down to 18 so they compromised at 19. All this happened right before my 19th birthday. Yippeeee!! I don’t remember when they changed it back to 21 since it didn’t personally affect me. It was probably 10 years later. They decided that too many 19 to 21 year olds were going out, getting hammered, driving, and dying in auto accidents. Don’t know if the statistics were real or not but it did get changed back to 21.
Teetotaler: one who abstains from drinking alcohol. Tee refers to the letter “T” the first initial in Richard Turner’s name, a famous temperence champion. Total suggests total abstinence, not just hard liquor but beer and wine also. That’s why it’s not spelled tea as in drinker of tea.
I’m in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. Last call is at 2AM.
I don’t know if it’s true, but i once heard that in some countries, they decided to allow alcohol to be served 24 hours, in order to avoid the fights, and chaos that would occur after closing time. Kinda funny if it’s true.
That was one of the rumours. However it’s probably more to do with the money the governement get in the tax on alcohol. Now they can rake it in 24 hours a day in the Uk (except for about 6 hours on Sunday).
ha i wish ther was no closing time in GB, try england mate hear in scotland our pubs close at 1 and our clubs at 3. we cant all be as lucky as some of you
first time I ever went to the U.S. I was denied a beer (and even entering the bar) because I was a fortnight under age! ! I was baffled (and thirsty -this was in California at the end of September-) … has this changed?
2 am the bars and clubs close in Minnesota. Used to be 1am but they changed it a year or two ago to 2.
Liquor stores must close by 10pm which kinda sucks and no liquor stores can be open on Sundays, wtf? I do not get this one bit cause bars/clubs can be open on Sunday so if someone wants to get drunk they can but not by buying it at a liquor store. Can anyone explain this terrible law we have for sundays? I mean come on, there’s football on Sundays so if you forget to buy beer on Saturday then you’re screwed unless you go to a bar and pay 4 times the amount for a beer.
Well, if you want to add liquor stores to the mix, New York just began allowing wine and liquor to be sold from stores on Sunday. Beer is sold in supermarkets, again not too early in the morning, and not before noon on Sunday.