What the...??

I’m a skilled unicyclist? weird, how’d that come to be?

I am the one too…

How come? I love the title! It is almost like MD which I had a chance to get but did not bother for the embelishment of the grave stone. It simply did not have reflection on the pay slip, under the circumstances, so has to vanish.
I must say ,skilled unicyclist titilates much more my false personality :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: It is v.plesurable to ejoy something which does not belong to me !Ha!:smiley:

Re: What the…??

The default “user text” changes based on your post count. You start out as a unicycling newbie, then you become a skilled unicyclist, then the next level is either advanced or expert. It’s all based on post count. The more you post the faster you move up. :slight_smile:

You can make your own custom user text. For example mine is Guinness Mojo. Go to “user cp” in the blue bar at the top of the screen. Then “Edit Profile”. There you can enter a new custom user text. You get up to 35 characters.


TU John C. My couriosity stisfied.
All the best.:smiley:

Thanks John, Ive been trying to figure out how to change that for ages! :smiley:



love the avatar Joe! :wink: