What started you?

Heya! A question just popped into my head as I was browsing the Pink Man’s website, “What motivated you to unicycle?”

Me personally, it was the Pink Man. In my opinion, the Pink Man is a god.

So, let me know what got you to unicycle. :slight_smile:

accually nothing did… i kinda decided one day hey… wouldnt it be cool if i could ride a unicycle…? so i had money saved up and i bought one, not knowing anything at all about the sport… my nice 104 dollar savage unicycle… from the Gilles Schwinne shoppe


Kris Holm got me into unicycling. I saw him on “YOU GOTTA SEE THIS” on some clip about unicycling. I thought it was so cool so I bought one.

Bored same reason that um… :roll_eyes:

OOoo tis 1:am :smiley:

I saw a guy rolling up the street, and yelled out at him.

‘Hey! Where do you get one of those things?!’

It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. At least between me and the uni, I haven’t seen the guy since :smiley:

He goes to uni… versity here, and as far as I know there’s a uni club there. So I expect to see him sooner or later, and thank him :stuck_out_tongue:

I was 9 and wanted to do everything my older brothers did.

My dad wondered if he could still ride one, bought it, rode it home from the shop, then gave it to us for christmas.

He later found out about the Black Hills MUni weekend, and we got involved testing trails.

That was after finding this site, though.

well see, I’m a speedcuber as well as a unicyclist. that means I solve Rubiks Cube’s for speed. and on this website, speedcubingdotcom, I noticed that a guy solved a Rubiks Cube on a unicycle. I thought, hey, that’s cool! I wanna try. so I did. and that’s my story.

I started unicycling after the implant was put in during the alien abduction.

you too?!


My family saw TCUC in a local parade and thought it would be fun to learn.

The closing credits of Welcome Back Kotter. The closing credits show a unicyclist riding down the street. That was the only exposure I had to unicycling before I learned to ride. It’s the only thing that could have gotten it into my head that I should learn to ride a unicycle.

last year i went to a juggling convention at RIT and saw some guys ride down the student life center’s HUGE staircase and thought that my mom would kill me if i ever learned to do anything like that… so i bought me a uni off ebay and have been obsessed ever since!:smiley:

I’d like to change my answer now, if that’s permitted.

I started to try to impress this girl I had a thing for. It didn’t work.

Kris Holm. His segment on Ripley’s blew my mind. So I bought a 75 dollar Torker from ebay as a joke. I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to ride it. My first time riding it I knew I found something I wanted to stick with. I never thought that I would be able to do what I now can do on a uni… I wonder what another year will bring…


I saw a newspaper article about this group that played uni hockey…I thought, “Cool idea.” I contacted the guys and the rest is history…

I had learned to juggle and needed a new challenge…so I figured unicylcing was next.

I enjoy the fact that many people can’t do either. :slight_smile:

I heard that they tasted good with Power Bars and Gatorade. So I bought one and ate it. I’ve never looked back.

They are also very low in protein. If that is all you eat, you are going to wind up with anemia. It may even turn your hair white.