"What song is it you want to hear?"

Interesting. Maybe the UK is stuck in the '70s. :sunglasses:

I had quite a bit of windshield time over the past weekend, channel surfing through FM radio. Heard a bunch of “Top xxx” broadcasts.

Didn’t hear much recent music.

Dinosours ROCK!

yeah, can’t wait for the Top Ten Top Ten Countdowns!

mmm, sounds like an article from The Onion :sunglasses:

Elvis would have been 70 today.

There’ll be some Crying In The Chapel.

I wonder if he found out if she was an angel or The Devil In Disguise.

Elvis has left the building.

this thread seems to have become a general gallery for classic rock related stuff

here’s some bad news

Yea, not only the good die young. They’re dieing older now too.

I think the Airplane was better than the Starship.

GILD, here’s one for you and really “classic”: Our evening news puts up anniversary trivia before the commercial breaks. Last night it said, “The first Radio Broadcast was January 13, 1910”.

According to this site it was On Jan. 12-13, 1910 that Lee De Forest arranged the world’s first radio broadcast to the public, directly from Metropolitan Opera to several listeners in New York.

i missed that one
normally the prep-sites we use at the station would mention something like that
i know they mention the day radio was patented, and the day some court supposedly overturned that patent and awarded it to Tesla

You are correct, although I try not to think of them as related entities. Just depresses me.

So as long as we’re threadjacked anyway, fill in the blanks:

Airplane is to Starship as ________ is to __________.

Let’s keep the answers to bands or musicians.

Here’s a couple lame ones:

Airplane is to Starship as “Beatle’s Lucy in the Sky” is to “Captain Kirk’s Lucy in the Sky”

Airplane is to Starship as Elvis is to the tacky Elvis Impersonators.

A better one:

As much as I’m not a fan of David Lee Roth: Airplane is to Starship as original Van Halen is to Sammy Van Halen.

I’m sure there’s some good ones, expecially bad covers of good songs.

Airplane is to Starship as Yes is to Asia.

Airplane is to Starship as Bessie Smith is to Brittney Spears?

Were those two ever in the same band?

judging by your initial instruction and a couple of examples on this thread so far, i didn’t realise they had to be

Airplane is to Starship as The Jackson 5 is to Michael Jackson?

Airplane is to Starship as Little Feat is to Little Feat.

And U2 is to U2

a couple of nice songs on the joshua tree, but ever since reading ‘The Unforgettable Fire’, i’ve had no time for them at all

UURRRMMP (the buzzer for “wrong”). U2 has never switched personnel…same folks, same vibe, same spirit but evolved. Yeah they grew up, but they’re not WORSE. Spirit of latest twist on thread was: Bands that started great and turned into some pathetic offshoot not as great. Airplane to Starship. Yes to Asia. Van Halen to Sammy V Halen. Feat with Lowell George to Feat w/o Lowell George. Jackson to Jackson, although I’m not sure I buy that J5 was better than Thriller. But U2 lost nothing…they’re at the top of their game; it’s just a slightly different game than the one they were previously on top of.

true, i just don’t like them
and was quite happy to jump on a U2 bashing-bandwagon
i can be sooo predictable

it is a very subjective thing (alltho i defy anyone to publicly state that they prefer Starship to Airplane :stuck_out_tongue: ), taking the U2 example to it’s natural conclusion, it should be allowable to say things like Dylan is to Dylan (alltho there must still be pockets of hard-core lentil-eating folkies who think he sold out when he went electric…)
or Bowie is to Bowie
both of their careers have taken such massive turns, redefining the term ‘reinvention’, that they had to lose some fans along the way

in the spirit of the current twist to this thread, i guess those two albums the Doors did after morrisson’s death might allow one to say
The Doors to The Doors?

YES!!! Harumph Harumph! WOO WOO WOO. Sub-thread wavelength now in synch :).

Can’t speak to Bowie v Bowie 'cause I don’t listen that much. But I’ll engage on Dylan any time. You can’t argue early v late, because it’s all just the Dylan Space Time Continuum. It all balances, even the Born Again Dylan period. Early is Big Words, simple repetitive music. Latest is Good but not quite so Big Words, and much more varied, complex music. Exhibit A: High Water and Moonlight back to back on Love and Theft. Songwriting is about both…just ask Paul Simon.

Which brings me to my next example: Airplane is to Starship as Paul Simon is to Simon and Garfunkel Reunion.

i see Engelbert Humperdinck is making a comeback…

My U2 comment was inspired by a Mallard Fillmore comic. Their latest Vertigo is just noisy to me.

Here’s a gif of the comic in case the link doesn’t work.
