What snack do you leave out for Father Christmas?

Ok, quick international query here. In your part of the world, what snack do you leave for Father Christmas ( aka Santa, aka santa klas, aka St Nicholas) and his reindeer ( or other helpers) on Christmas eve. You know the one that when you were very small you hoped would have been half eaten when you looked in the morning thus proving the exsistance of the Fat Man.
In my house when I was small it was a carrot for the reindeer and a biscuit for the Fat Man, however I believe a mince pie and a small sherry is more traditional round here (in England).
How about in the US, what about Holland? Are mince pies a world wide thing or just a British thing.


Milk and cookies is typical here.


We give him porridge. It´s an old tradition.

You guys are weird. All I leave him is a nice cold beer.

Milk and Cookies, One year i left him a Spam Musubi, and “Father” loved it.

Irn Bru and a carrot for Rudolph.

rat poison in the milk and cookies with razor blades in them


A carrot or two for the Reindeer
A couple of biscuits and a glass of milk to keep the fat man going

Yeah, well, he gives me presents, so I care not if he’s the devil.

If you were infront of me at this given time, I sir, would slap you.

How can you not like Santa!?!?!
If you were infront of me at this given time, I sir, would punch you.

da*n! people are getting all upset over santa is satan… we humans use a thing i like to call sarchsam

And we humanoids use a thing called spelling.

I don’t

Re: What snack do you leave out for Father Christmas?

We don’t leave anything for Santa Claus. He is called Kerstman (literally Christmas Man) over here. We celebrate Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) on 5 December with presents. In the days or weeks before 5 December, children (and some adults) set a shoe inside the house next to the chimney. In the shoe they leave something for the horse (not reindeer) that Sinterklaas rides on atop the roofs. The next morning, they hope to find a little present in the shoe, in which case the ‘something’ is gone.

OK now the answer to the original question: what they leave in the shoe is usually a carrot, it could be hay as well but most kids cannot find hay. And a bowl of water, also for the horse. Sinterklaas is a saint so that may explain why nothing is left for him.

Klaas Bil
(I share my first name with Sinterklaas)

woh neads spealling! i no shur dont

A porridge made from rice and milk, that you eat with cinnamon, sugar and milk, and it tastes sweet. :slight_smile:

Edit: And this is in sweden.

see you gotta go with dough flats and nilk for santa and glitter mised with oatmeal for his reindeer, that what we made in kindergarden. becuase everyone know reinderr like to eat glitter


We leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. My daughter stopped believing last year, but I insist on it anyway.