What should my "Senior Name" be

at our school each senior class gets like some adjective to describe the seniors or whatever. this year its “Seriously Seniors”.

We all get shirts that say that on the front. Then you are soposta make you make your own name for the back. For example “Seriously Speedy” or “Seriously Corrugated cardboard”. You then get that air brushed with a picture corresponding to the name. I think ill have mine be about unicycling, but i am also a lifeguard on the beach so that would be a back up.
i would get some cool picture of me unicycling on the back

Here are some Ive thought of so far, any help would be appreciated.

singel wheeled
one tired guy
on one wheel

eriously cool:)

:roll_eyes: That’s lame

Seriously on One Wheel isn’t bad.

seriously skillful

seriously beat up shins?

Seriously Susan

Seriously Sen~or (the tilde goes over the n)

Seriously Smug

Seriously HxC Unicyclist

Seriously ylsuoireS

seriously insane on “that thing”

seriously street, and have a street type uni picture.

Ssseriosssly Sssuuper

and below it-

Serriously supper and have a big plate of food under it.

Seriously serious about being serious.

the word ‘serious’ is starting to look funny…

HAHA that is a good one.

Seriously hey is the circus in town?

Thanks for the suggestions. I think im going to go with “Seriously on one wheel”

how can you be 16 and a senior? serioulsy single

seriously insane!

How about: “Seriously, would you stop reading my shirt?”

how about “seriously, I can ride that/this thing”

Oh, I just realized a picture goes with it.

In that case, “Seriously Single” is pretty good, obviously with a picture of a unicycle, or you riding, either one.