what should i get

i want to get a uni. it will be used for learning, just riding around and trying to do some trials stuff. i would only like to spend 100.00. i was thinking a torker unistar 20". what do you guys think or suggest?


I definatly would recomend the torker 20" unistar. That is what i learned on. I have used for trials and muni, and it has worked great. It is simply the best unicycle that you can buy for under $100. I have taken mine down five stairs and off a 2 foot drop and it has held up just fine. I did do a few things to it though. First i converted the seat to an airseat (http://www.unicycling.org/airseat) I then got metal pedals with pins because the pedals the unistar comes with have no grip. The final modification i did was to put on a knobby tire for Muni.

hey, thanks for the info. any one else have any suggestions

If you know you’ll eventually be doing a lot of hopping and big drops you might as save a while longer well go for a trials uni with a splined hub and a big tire, since abuse like that will eventually break the torker wheel.
If you aren’t sure yet if you’ll be into the real hardcore trials stuff then get the torker. They’re cheap and look like good quality.

does anyone know how big of a tire i can put on there, 20x?

my idea

i would get the nimbus 2 uni with a dx32it is great for trials and good to learn on it is the 20" of the nimbus that i should have a link to on my post ok i can do it sorry

a 2.25 will fit with plenty of space…
a 2.5 should fit…

In that price range the Torker Unistar is the only way to go…it is what I also learned on :slight_smile:

if i am correct, isn’t the nimbus expensive and is there a link for nimbus

Ya i got a 20X2.25 on there right now and its got plenty of room left

(Unless you are a little kid)
You want the black Torker, NOT the chrome one.

The chrome comes with a child size seat, the black comes with a good (miyata 'equivalent) seat.

The black one is also somewhat stronger.


so i want the black. i didn’t even know there was a chrome one

thanks for the input everyone!

Nimbus = Yuni. If you wan’t a better unicycle go for the Nimbus/Yuni. Where do you live? at Unicycle.com the Yuni seems to cost a lot more than the Nimbus’ at Unicycle.uk.com and they are mostly the same.

That Torker comes with an 25.4 mm seat post so it might cause some problems if you wan’t to replace the saddle. And as xtremeskier_ said get better pedals. Those plastic pedals will break and they slip under your foot. Replaceable pins are nice.

anyone else has input

That somewhat should be MUCH


Go with the torker. I ove it.