i need suggestions lots and lots of suggestions
as to what to get for my B-day
just tell me
i need suggestions lots and lots of suggestions
as to what to get for my B-day
just tell me
i got a unicycle and a car for my last bday wich was like 10 days ago.
Maybe a new unicycle for you. Or a PS3, wii,or xbox 360 if your into videogames. Maybe a shavor or something if your starting to get some fuzz on your face
Wheeled objects
Electronic devices
5) PS3 or X360 or Wii
6) Laptop
9) Karaoke machine
10) A pet scorpion.
11) A pet in general
Recreational Tables
16) Foosball table
17) Ice hockey or pool table
Sound equipment
Smart thinking
Good headphones and a headphone amp.
A fixed gear road bike.
BTW some numbers on my list may look weird but that’s because at 1st they were to be in order of 1-20+ then i came up with the idea of splitting them into simplified forms and forgot about re-numbering them.
an ice cream cake, mint chocolate chip.
A top of the range Koxx-one unicyle
the devil is pretty popular, otherwise you could get…
A new computer, costomize it yourself for optimal performance or just buy it pre-made.
A laptop.
Full protective gear (shinpads, gloves, shoes, helmet and jeens)
A new TV.
A new really cool monitor for your computer (if you have one)
A whole stack of games (for whatever console you have, if you have one)
A digital dvd recorder
A new camera/video camera
A new couch for your bedroom
A new mobile phone
Your parents love… thats about all i can think of right now.
Well I was gonna say a prostitute but you’re only gonna be 14, so…I’m out of ideas.
Personality? Good looks? Humor?
Lots and lots of LEGOs.
ive pretty much already got all that ,but thanks for posting ,
why get a prostitute when you have a gf (i mean that in a platonic kind of way ,not like how you thought(yeah i know how you all think)
Because she isn’t satisfying you sexually?
Because she’s not hawt?
Because she charges too high?
Those are 3 reasons I thought of in 15 seconds.
I have to go with an action figure of me and the movie bootlegged. I give you permission don’t worry.