What should I do?

I feel “OK” but I don’t really want “out”.

Does this mean I should “Cancel”? “Cancel” is such a harsh word.

Could we make these buttons read “Just for a little bit…” and “I was only kidding!”

What do I do here? I don’t want to make a mistake that’ll haunt me the rest of my life…

Why log out when you can check out?


What should you do? Get a new browser theme. That one is older and uglier than your last date!

his last date was his right hand

Just remember: you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

just end it all.


“What you should do” is work on writing meaningful thread titles.

You asked for it. At least you posted it in the correct forum…

Actually I have never seen that dialog box here, as I don’t think I have ever logged out. I only have the one user account so no need…

Rightie and I don’t date. We’re just FWB.

Should have been posted in Requests, Questions, and Bugs on this site.

Turn on, tune in and log out.

Just press Alt + F4. :smiley:

Yeah, log out.
When you log back in, select the PINK forum, it’s the way all the kewl kids are going.