I’m still not a unicyclist but I’m really eager to become one. I won’t have a unicycle for about another ten days, and the wait is gonna kill me! I was wondering - is there anything I can do while waiting to prepare for the uni? - maybe I can at least develop some balance while I wait…
Enjoy these last days of ignorance, ride your bike as if you were sentenced to death, coast like crazy, smell the fragrance of your brake pads right then…
In 10 (or let’s say 15) days you won’t look at your bike with this noticeable sparkling any more.
Before Gild or Harper mention it:
That’s one more of us, one less of them
Learn to pop and hold a wheelie on your bike. Such is a slightly comparable balance.
You could also do bicep exercises, because I know that my left bicep gets a workout when I’m jumping steps.
Pistol squats may also be beneficial for building riding muscles.
And welcome to the forum and the UNIverse!
If you want to be really creative and have alot of time on your hands. Might i recommend making or finding a way to make 1 of these machines.
Welcome to the forums too also my friend.
All of this should give you a good impression of what it is like to be a unicyclist!
lol Speak for yourself.
Should i wack the back of my ankles too?!
-and can i pretend I just bought a crappy $20 uni at some garage sale instead?
I think im going to stick to flat land for a while… I have yet to bust to fall on my face, but have hit my hands but without cutting them open, i learned how to fall and roll to avoid cuts