What religion is this?

I thought this needed to be on the unicycling religion forum. An emergent religion involves strapping a BC or Ultimate to ones feet, facing in some cardinal direction, and praying.


Haha, thats funny :stuck_out_tongue: .

It looks like some false religion… are they actually riding those things, or is it just one of those dumb exercies slidey things you see on TV?

I don’t know. Where I come from, if they were really praying the wouldn’t have butts in the air. Whatever they are doing, it seems to have a critically communal element and they are all men, suggesting a preisthood of sorts.

It looks like a version of these.
A more fun version if it’s a bc-mount.

Hey, now I want to try!
I looks like the first guy is using a wheelbarrow wheel…

I wonder if this exercise could be done with two wheels, one in the hands and one on the feet.

Maybe they are praying in the other direction.

And maybe, in the same way that penny farthings turned into unicycles, they will discover that you can ride those exercise thingys. And BC wheels will be invented all over again.

r u coming to the LBI Unithon, PLEASE?