What Really Happened In Rivendell

The real Council of Elrond.

That was kinda funny…they probably could have made it better…and a bit longer. It had potential which im not quite sure they made the most of.

that was pretty good, but I don’t understand why they made it a .gif image. it would be much better as a .swf flash, with sound.

yeah i thought so too maybe i’ll make one someday if i learn flash. That would be fun.

Yeah, a flash version, with mvoing mouths would be dope.

I think I might make one, and then let it circulate the net.

Good deal man. Maybe you can add Rosa Parks in there too since you’ve already figured out how to give her a moving mouth. You couldl animate her as a Moria Ork, opposed to all the midtel earth white things you stand for.