what others think of USA

My friend and I were talking about a month ago about culture differences between Canada and the states. You would think that since Canada and the States are so close to each other, interact with each other so much and have similar makeup when it comes to ethnicities etc you would think that they would be very similar. Neither of us are history buffs at all so feel free to point out holes in our theory but here it goes.

I think that the difference is actually as much genetic as cultural due to the early history of the two countries. During the American Revolution or whatever you call it many Americans would have moved up north to the colonies that were content with British and French rule. People in the northern colonists who were not satisfied with their government and way of life joined their neighbors to the south in their rebellion.

The people left in Canada and the ones that moved up from the states were the kind of people who did not believe in violence to solve problems as much as those fighting in the south. This makes Canadians more likely to be pacifist in nature and more trusting of government. Americans tend to be more independent and want to change things.

This independent spirit and desire to change the world for the better is the strength of the American people and also their biggest curse. Ever since the Americans have gained their independence they have been trying to impose their will on the rest of the world trying to make all the other countries “better” the first example of this is the war of 1812 in which the Americans invaded Canada with the intent of “freeing” Canadians of their government so they could join the USofA. Canadians did not want to be “freed” so we actually fought back and ended up burning down the Whitehouse (its white because all the stonework that was left standing was whitewashed to remove the scars from the flames and smoke). I don’t think that anyone has to think to hard to find multiple more recent examples of the great USofA imposing their views on other countries and cultures “freeing” those people from governments that did not have the same views as the American government.

P.S. I have American friends and they are good people (otherwise the wouldent be my friends)

ah…like I said, God before country. No gay Marriage, no abortions, no mind altering substances. The end. Im in America!, America! and I dont even hear about God these days. Everyone abuses this “freedom” thing to the point where they think freedom means they can do what ever they want.

The way I understand it is freedom means doing whatever we want as long as we do not cause suffering to others. I’m okay with your opinion that gay marriage and drugs are bad, so why can’t you be okay with my opinion that gay marriage and drugs aren’t bad? Not everyone is a Christian like you so clearly not everyone is going to practice what the bible says.

Webster’s dictionary.

Also God has no place in government. Just because you think that some galactic schoolmarm is going to come and rap the sinners across their knuckles with a yard stick for eternity doesn’t mean that we should all have to follow your rules. If the christian God exists he’s an asshole.

Like controlling people of different sexualities and not letting them get married… Also why do people care so much who people marry or who we like what ever floats your boat…

Musketman are you homophobic or something?

I don’t believe in god, but if there is one why would he kill people of different sexualities or people who believe in a different god… So if we follow christian logic all the people of Asia( or anywhere else ) who don’t know the christian religion are going to hell what kind of god would do that?..

Religion has nothing to do with government separation of state and religion…

Overall I like the USA I would make some changes though, but wouldn’t we all…

Who said anything about killing people of different sexualities? How do you know all the people that have honestly never heard of Christianity are going to hell? What happens when you die? I think god will decide what to do when this happens. The truth is most people have heard of christianity, and just choose not to follow it. Here in America our laws are from the bible basicly. The country was once christian, and gay marriage didn’t exist. The world wasn’t as evil, and people were innocent.

Everything comes back to god, and christianity. You follow god, and he says same sex marriage is wrong, that’s why we care so much about gay marriage.

My bad I meant send to hell I was talking to my mom on the phone…

have you read the constitution? It says SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! That means that the people run the government, not the bible

Explain how god says that. Man has said he has said that, but has he actually said that who could know such a thing?

God did.

Since we both agree that God will decide what to do, why do you think gay marriage should be illegal? Shouldn’t we decide for ourselves how to live our lives, and then let God decide? Therefore, the government should stay out of such personal matters. I disagree that the world wasn’t as evil way back when…Leonardo da Vinci was homosexual, did you know? Also if homosexuality didn’t exist, why did the bible need to make a rule regarding it? Clearly it always has existed, and evil/suffering exists as it always has, according to your religion because of Adam and Eve’s original sin which all of humanity forever was punished for.

Isn’t Christianity an arrogant religion? (: Not everything is about it…unless you’re saying being gay is about Love, since the bible itself says that God is Love.

"what others think of USA "

What do I think of the USA?

I think for the most part they seem overly patriotic…

but otherwise it seems just like home with more hand-guns.

musketman, im really sorry to tell you this, but there is more than 1 religion…

dont say that, he may have a mental breakdown! We live in such an ethnocentric society, his head may explode to learn there is more than one way of doing things

Have you even read the Bill of Rights?

Doesn’t matter, Mikael. Bible-belt Christians like our friend musketman are nice and selective about what parts of the Bible they like to use.

What do I think about America? I think that it has the potential to be the best country in the world, by far. However, lobbying, partisanship, and just plain corruption have tainted the “American way” beyond recognition. Far too much importance is placed on the wrong things (such as gay marriage), and not enough attention is given to the things that matter, like our poor.

Exactly +1 american was first come to by peoples looking for religious freedoms…or so I am told…

+1 we need to concentrate on what really matters nowadays.

We really invaded Canada??? Sorry, guys. That doesn’t sound very neighborly. (maybe I need to brush up on history)

And no, I’m not the stereotypical dumb American – I just sometimes forget some of the things that I learned 30 years ago, like this shocker (that we invaded Canada).

Aye, which is why I like to throw Leviticus in their faces (: There’s pretty much no way to rationalize that particular book of the bible.

Very true, I read recently that the 2008 election is supposed to be the most expensive ever, it’ll cost something like 1.8 billion dollars…Dwight Eisenhower once said,
