I would rather not say what I think about USA because I may offend, though you seem to have some really cool skateparks and wicked street spots to session.
I don’t really like my country much (UK) again its more of an issue with governments and such rather than the likes of your average person like me and you.
My favourite place so far is Spain, I love Europe (not UK) loads of culture, diversity and intersting places to go.
I would also like to visit New Zealand, Japan and now Canada. You ever been to the UK, how crap is the weather over here?
About your pervious post:
I have to agree about the goverment, it sucks. The weather is not that bad! A bit of rain wont kill you! I prefer a bit of rain to drought
First of all, when american‘s call themselves americans they seem to forget that there are 3 different americas: north, central and south americas. That means that I‘m an american too, and I also live in america.
After that, I love Brasil!!! It‘s just wonderful. People are awsome and we love smilling. Bad thing: social differences. 70% of the money on the hands of 4% of the people. That sucks.
I‘ve been to Europe several times and the place I like the most is Amsterdam. The adult‘s disneyland. And there‘s so much more besides freedom and lot‘s of fun.
neither am I, really, i heard that american (usa) isnt the only country with alot of over weight people, we are just making a huge big deal about it. My school only has…1 or 2 fatties. But i think yes, we are the fattest.
Yeah, America is the best…to me. Or maybe Im just to patriotic. What’s the deal with all these fat people though? Everywhere I look they are fat! It’s embarrasing to America. Wait untill gay marrage is approved…America’s really gonna look stupid. No gay marrage, and no fat people. Otherwise it’s all good. I like America because we are free’er than any other place on earth, we are set-up under god, and we are down right powerfull!
hey dude, how would you like not being able to be married, getting beat up and all that shit?? is it really any of your business who i marry?? isn’t america the land of the free?? i guess not if you’re a fag.
Dern tootin! Cuz Gawd made our cuntry better den yers!! Says so raht thurr en that thurr Bahble, it also says Gawd’s gunna send y’all raht ta hell if ya harpen ta love da wrong person!!
Wow, can you say jingoism? Aside from the fact that America has a corrupt government and preaches acceptance while enacting red neck policies like banning gay marriage we aren’t as free as you say. I’d think that people who were actually free would be allowed to marry whoever they want, and they couldn’t be forced to go to war or arrested for using a mind altering substance. If you were really for freedom you would be for abortions, gay marriage, and legalization of all drugs. It sounds like you just want the freedom to oppress whoever you deem unholy.