What length cranks for a topless God?????

All purpose thread. :roll_eyes:

long enough to attach a rifle to

i felt you hadn’t quite pushed all buttons

haha, nice one, sir.

are you going for a semi-automatic or a scoped rifle? And what direction should he be riding to get a good enough aim, and on who?

no no no, you’re not meant to argue the technical spec of the rifle, you’re meant to argue whether you have a god/constitution given right to carry/own one concealed/unconcealed.

This thread belongs in RSU.

The rifle must be aimed at Sarah Palin making a speech about global warming.

(you still had missed a few, lol)

It depends on what kind of abortion you want to have.

You guys missed a big one.

Well, let’s see…

LOL, that’s a good one!

But aren’t you the crank length God? I seem to recall equations and tables of data and all sorts of analysis (around 2003 maybe?).

Does this topless God obey the speed limit? (which may or may not be a factor of crank length)

Gods need neither cranks nor tops. They require no firearms and perform no abortions. There are no traffic laws which pertain to gods so they cannot speed or tailgate. Gods make no spelling or grammar errors. Their threads belong wherever they want them. Global warming doesn’t faze the gods. If they wanted unicycles (because they certainly don’t need them) and their unicycles broke they wouldn’t even need JC’s fanny pack.

Can anyone here help me learn a unispin?

Or give me some sort of equation that explains 9/11?

The gods do not text. LOL has never left the fingertips of a god. Actually, LOL has never left the fingertips of a person who has ever had a thought. Gods do not start polls or use emoticons. Gods, who happen to be AWESOME, never, ever, ever, say or write the word AWESOME for any reason whatsoever.

I started using LOL because Terry uses it and he’s older than a teenager. It seemed like a convenient shortcut to indicate that I found something significantly humorous. Damn you, Terry! May you burn in topless-men-Hell for all eternity!

Terry will certainly suffer for his many shortcomings but you, Dave, may still be saved. Why don’t you get Terry to come to Grant’s Tomb and let him ride your Coker? Damn your Coker and your stumpy legs you shin shredding conspirator.

LO… I shall forever refrain from writing LOL. I never thought it was an awesome word anyway.

My legs are normal. I’ve seen pictures of your Coker. The seat is nowhere near the wheel. It takes mutant legs to ride your chainless Coker giraffe. Only you and Billy can ride it.

God uses shorter cranks than Chuck Norris.

Death penalty for LOL user/writters…

><>Ride for Cranks<><

"What length cranks for a topless God??? " you want it in metric system don’t you?

Wheels in inches, cranks in millimetres. It’s the only logical way.

(By the way, when I suggested a “topless” God, I didn’t mean one without a helmet, as I do not believe God is irresponsible.)