WHat kind of Trails uni should i get

I was thinking about either a 20in or 24in,i’d put like 6in cranks on my 24 but not sure what cranks i’d put on the 20in, oh ya and i’m stuck on either a torker or a kris holmes … :thinking:

buy kh and you wont be dissapointed

thanx for the help:):slight_smile: :sunglasses:

If you want to ride trails get a 24"

If you want to ride trials get a 20"

If you have the money, KH 20" trials all the way. If you’re a little shorter on cash, Qu-ax splined 20" or DX splined 20" are both good rides.

thanx i think i’m gonna get the KH (like u said) bcuz my dad’s gettin it for me ,ssoo yea, thanx for the help i was in a trap and wanted to get one B4 NAUCC 2007

sry i spelt trails wrong everone:D

i don’t think i’m gonna be breakin any frames or anything (i’m only 65lb:D )

can anybody guess whos sponcered here? :stuck_out_tongue:

Custom! Koxx Frame Koxx Seat With Sw Base And Tompson Post KK Hub/cranks And A Dx/nimbus Rim… Any Clamp Will Do Just About Kh Or Koxx… oH YEAH TI SPOKES!

yeah if he has $1000 or so to blow on a unicycle. and he totally needs the carbon fiber base and tompson seat.

stick with the kh kid. if you are only 65 lbs you should be breaking anything. maybe the handle or stiffener plate in the seat but i doubt it.

Nah man get what I said WAY better:p. Really kh is good I just put down what I am making kind of… With out the thompson and SW base I am gonna get those later though…

turns out koxx cranks do fit kh hubs, just not the other way around.

take a look here Spencer put K1 cranks on his KH hub