i have no specific name for my uni, i try my best not to refer to her as ‘it’. i have decided that my uni is a girl though.
I am thinking Kane or Kella both of which mean warrior.
just a possiblibity.
i have no specific name for my uni, i try my best not to refer to her as ‘it’. i have decided that my uni is a girl though.
I am thinking Kane or Kella both of which mean warrior.
just a possiblibity.
mY unicycles name is XP cuz i out a little sticker on it that says it was deigned for windows XP, although its name changes weekly…
Scarlett Marie Crites.
Thats my unis name =p
Lx- Trilby
Dx- Nessie
Tx- Fibula
Limey aka Mean Green Machine
(hence the avatar writing thing)
I always wondered what Felix meant…i thought it was the little dancing man in your avatar.
My first uni was known as the “minnow” to all my friends.
Wow! This is one old thread!
My DX is named Poseidon, and my knock-off Wal-Mart learner uni is called El-Cheapo.
my trials unis name is Tom and my cruiser thing is Albert
Torker LX - Betty
Nimbus 36" - Meryl (aka THE BEACH CRUISER)
I call my 20" Hopper
And my 24" Jumper
(pretty much just made that up)
I named mine Betty. Sadly, she passed away last may.
The trials one is named Uni-Corn. Didnt name my coker yet
The uni-mo-bile, sucessor of the other uni-mo-bile that is now my dads.
Gots me a new riding partner!
My unicycles name was Charlie until it passed away last night.
Well my project unicycle is called adroniki and mine is called Hazmat Junior.
Sorry to read that.
my uni si basically an orange bud so i call it my OB(not ob but ohhh-beee)
I named my KH20 Kaede (Kie Deh). It means maple or maple leaf, appropriately named after the adoption agent Darren Bedford and the father Kris Holm.
I named my Nimbus II Longneck w/Kovachi wheel Nicole, after a beautiful girl that caught my eye and danced with. She swims in the back of my mind sometimes when I hear the name or hear Guadalajara. And named after another girl that was really fun to ride.
Torker 20 LX I named Jessica, after a woman I found to be dark, beautiful, and a cheap date.