What is your living situation and does it suit you?

I am living alone in a bachelor apartment in Toronto. It is my first year living without roomates and I quite enjoy it. No one to cramp my style and no one to clean up after.

I have found, however, that it’s making me more eccentric than I already am. I’m not lonely, but I do talk to myself.

Next year I will be living with two roomates in a 3 bedroom. My portion of the rent will be less than half of what I pay now!

My parents plan to sell our house and become full-time RVers when they retire. I think this would be an awesome lifestyle, retired or not.

What is your living situation and how does it effect your lifestyle?

Own my house close to the beach area of Redondo, CA. Work a few hours, ride MUni the rest. Basically just enjoy life as much as possible, and look at each day as a new, exciting adventure! :smiley:

4 months out of the year, I live at my parent’s house in Pennsylvania. At college in Texas, I live in a 3 bedroom house with two room mates.

Living at home is OK, but I would much prefer to live away from home. Home has the big advantage of being free, however.

I like living with my roomates in Texas. We are all friends and hang out, but I also have my own room, my own space. I don’t really have that at home, as “my room” is kind of a common ground.

I agree that an RV lifestyle would be awesome to live. Unfortunately, many people (and potential girlfriends) would view that as a negative thing. Regardless, it is very enticing, however there are some other living arrangments that are very enticing, too.

I’m currently living in a mansion of a house with 4 housemates, up in the mountains near melbourne. The house is a 3 story home, 5 bedrooms and so many other rooms its not funny, including a library! It’s on an acre lot, on the side of a mountain so I do a lot of muni here.

What’s the rent per person?:stuck_out_tongue: Are the landlords family, friends, and is this a temporary or a lease living arrangement?

The whole rent is AU$450 which would be maybe US$430 per week, the landlord is just a random architect who lives in england, and i ment 3 housemates, not 4. but we are considering another person. Any other questions? :stuck_out_tongue:

I still live at home with my parents in a lower-middle-class suburban house, but in a little over a month I’ll be moving into a typical cramped college dorm at Texas A&M University at College Station with one roommate.

Yeah, what’s the meaning of the universe, and what time is it? Thanks!:stuck_out_tongue: PS: You should look around for a better deal on rent! :wink:

for melbourne this is a very good deal, housing is horrible down here, meaning of life is to take over the world through unicycles, it is currently 3:25pm here. and no, i will not make you a cheese sandwhich :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean per month, right?

I rock a tiny duplex with my wife. It’s nice, but I’d really like a garage for my many bikes, unicycles, tools, and projects. One day I’ll make enough to own a house… one day…

Oh i see the mistake! it’s that per week between the 4 of us! Lol! Sorry about that! :slight_smile:

I’m living in the basement of a 3 bedroom house right next to campus. It used to be a two bedroom, but a basement was installed later. It’s awesome! The rent on it is great considering the location too; just 325 a month each. Dealing with room mates can be fun at times though…

Don’t get more than one room mate, and make sure he’s OK with your bachelor lifestyle. Make sure he knows how to mix a martini, and invites his share of the bikini girls over to hang out.

Show them videos of KH Muni, an tell them we do that too! Babes love that!

I wish I had a cam into your bachelor pad!!! You’re my hero!!!

Accepting applications? :slight_smile:

I live in an upper-middle class home about 20 miles north of NYC during the summers and in a small college dormitory with one roommate for the rest of the year (in Oswego, NY). I like both situations. At home I have a bit more space to my own, which is nice. But I have to say I enjoy the college life a lot more. Even if I only have half of a tiny room to myself. Dorms are great fun; lots of activity, friends, and beer.

…that is really creepy.

For the four months between school years I live at home with my brother and parents.

The rest of the year I go to school in Toronto and live in residence in a single room. I enjoy the freedom that I have while living at school, and having a meal plan basically means that I don’t have to do anything other than shower and do laundry to stay alive.

I’d like to be able to live in Toronto during the summer, but that would mean finding a place to live (read: paying for rent, food, utilities) and working.

Right now I am living at home for free and working, socking away what money I can. Sometimes I feel a bit stifled living under the care and protection of my parents, but it does save me a lot of money–and that is something that may be handy.

It’s actually pretty common for men to want to watch bikini-clad co-eds mixing martinis in the kitchen, but if it’s creepy to you, to each his own…

Yes, but it becomes creepy once you put a camera into someone else’s kitchen to accomplish this feat.

i´m living in a one family house in south germany (crailsheim). i´ve got a big brother (18) and a small sister (12). there are many fields closed to our back yard. so i have a wonderful view out of my window. i´ve got my own big room. our house stands in a nice living area with many children in the age of my little sis or younger. because it´s a quiet street it´s a good place to learn new tricks on the uni. i could tell you a lot of things but i think it isn´t such interessting…:slight_smile:

I’m currently alive. This seems to suit me.