Web/Applications programmer
Current: US Marine
Future: Freelance Writer
Currently trying to get my masters in English
Name: Matt
Current job: pushbike courier (messenger)
current job: none
dream job: session musician/ luthier
realistic future job: avionics engineer in the airforce
My future job - teacher of BIO and CHE
I like children.
One my friend told that “it’s just like building house, building new people minds”
Current Job: Waving a sign outside of my dad’s restaurant.
Future Job: Mechanical Engineer.
I have no fucking clue what i want to do for a job. I have ideas, but nothing set in stone. I REALLY don’t want to go to college, but in order to move out, own a house etc etc I kinda have to. I want to do something with either, music, writing, video editing, or I want to be a counselor or something and help kids that have the same problems that I do.
Major in Psychology, Adolescent Psych. if you want to spend too much time learning things you could learn in normal Psychology, and books, Which is where I learn it from, and if you’re really interested… Pick up the book “The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog”. It teaches a ton about the development of children, and what causes issues, along with giving some cases, obviously one being the kid who was raised and trained as a dog, and what was done to make him fit in with the current world. (Note that I don’t say he became “normal”, there is no normal, pretty much. :P)
I’d say an Adolescent Psychology Degree is the only psych. degree where you’d be better off with a normal one, though, specially considering you don’t want to go to college, and getting an Adolescent degree takes as long as a doctor to get his M.D. AND PhD, pretty much. xD
Or at least it used to when my Dad was going through Med. School, maybe it changed.
Wildland firefighter
wouldn’t mind going back to school and get my GIS certificate and combine it with my FET (Forestry) certificate to start a timber cruising/consulting firm. Just need to wait for the forestry industry to rebound, which it is slow in doing.
Hopefully going to run a rice boat this fall and go commercial fishing this winter, we will see.
life is good up north i see. jealous
Woah. Thanks. You seem to be very smart for your age. Whippersnapper :D. When i was 14 i was as dumb as a box of rocks
My, how far you’ve come in those two years!
How the hell does me now knowing what I want to do for a future career relate to how stupid i was in 7th-8th grade?
Also, I can’t take smart comments like that well. I’m bipolar and shit like that REALLY fucks with my emotions and whatnot.
It won’t let me edit my last post so hopefully they’ll merge together.
Then this might-a not be the forum for you.
Better get-a used to disappointment.
Friendly fellow aren’t you Maestro!
On topic,
No idea at all what I want to do.
And Maestro, does this mean I’m also as dumb as a box of rocks?
I seem to be doing pretty well in school…
Well I can tell you what I have done. 20 years as a United States Marine and 11 years as a photographer. As for when I grow up… not sure yet.
She-male dominatrix.
What’s the pay like?
Maestro8 is seriously my forum hero. <3