Yeah, I think you were. I despised the second Matrix, it was dumb because they had 20 minute long fighting sequences, and although the special Matrix effects were cool, NO ONE COULD DIE!!! It’s impossible for the people to die, and therefore the battles have no point. And it was just so stupid when he was talking to the oracle and all those Feds came and started beating him up, and there ended up being a trillion billion gajillion of them, and they looked like bugs when the camera zoomed out.
That’s why I disliked Matrix II and III.
The Matrix? Nah, I don’t think I’ll put Judeo-Christianity on my list of hobbies just yet thanks.
Elf was a very good movie. Terminater 3 was just like the sequel to terminater but with a different ending. the movie i need to see this year is deffinitly LOTR.
i liked the first sequel, but not nearly as much as the first(movie in the trilogy) as a matter of fact, i bought a bootleg of revolutions and still havent watched it
I really don’t like the Matrix, but Kill Bill was pretty good, I thought it had great action. I also agree with the poster, that this is a bad year for movies.
Well, as a Film in the arty sense, Kill Bill is very good, but perhaps in the same way Citizen Kane is: storyline a bit sparse/weird but everthing else top notch! the Matrix was crap as although the SFX were amazing the storyline was just a way of linking these scenes. Pirates of the Caribbean is a fantastic film! FANTASTIC! I forget when Ichi the Killer came out- I doubt 2003, but I saw it the other day and it’s great! Anyone seen Battle Royale???
How do all of you think kill bill is such a great movie, have you seen it or just heard about it. Everyone says its awesome kuz they go in thinkin it is. But it has no entertaining plot at all. Though chicks fighting rocks. And as for Matrix special effects…I disagree with everyones hype on it. The scenes were made using 3D Studio. I have this program though my computers not fast enough to use it to its extent. While the ideals of the fighting scenes were cool, whenever there was something that is really cool it looks like videogame graphics in that you can tell its COMPLETELY computer animated and you can tell that the people are just video created characters. I hate that its like that in the second matrix with the pole scene and the third in the final fight. Later
Maybe it’s because its foundation is something other then trivial, valueless, entertainment. Kill Bill is a work of art, a beautiful expression of things modern cinema has lost. It’s as if someone who had never experienced the last several decades of film was shown it all in the blink of an eye and that vision was muddled with his own abstract conciousness. Because of the shit that’s produced by the media today, it’s no surprise the product of such thought independent of preconceived ideals is violent both in the superficial and deeper sense. The ideology of Kill Bill is reflective of past and present cinema, but it is not assimilative of it. Resulting in art, whereas the other would end up being novelty based entertainment. Its message is vast, but in the simplest sense it is an enraged being, nihilistically searching for something of worth in a world full of mental disease and overbearing cycles of degenerative, menial, pursuits. I’d say this message accurately fits the rapidly deteriorating society we live in. Among all other films that have been released recently, especially such overtly manipulative tools/movies like the Matrix, Kill Bill Vol. 1 is refreshing artistic work, definitely a masterpiece, and I eagerly await the sequel.
While were on the subject of movies has anyone seen gumball race 2000, or 3000 or something like that. Its a real race cross country with sports cars and they all get pulled over and some run from the cops. Im proably not making it sound very exciting but it is.
from what movie critic hack did you cut and paste that BS from?
maybe in Vol.2 we can see even longer more drawn out mamby pamby ninja crap…and more minutes on Uma’s gangly toe jam.
I waste my time writing lengthy posts about things for no reason that I may be semi serious on but you can never really tell
Edit: Although I must admit it is better then just saying “this is good, that sucks”.
Any movie with Geoffery Rush… Including Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean
actually, forget what i said about kill bill. that post was pretty crappy. actually i couldn’t even remember what i posted until i read it again. i often say things just to say them, damn you most replies!!!
edit: let this thread die, as my posting brings me shame.
edit 2: replace “posting” with “hyperbole”.
Sorry. Can’t let it die yet.
I really like ‘Finding Nemo.’ It is one of the most classy family films to come out in a long time (thank you for Pixar!) I loved ‘Pirates,’ and I think Johnny Depp should win an Oscar for his performance. Haven’t seen ROTK yet, but I’m sure I’ll love it. I’m hoping to see it on Monday. And then I’ll be waiting for the six-hour extended edition next November (I can only wish…)
Since not many of you live in Utah, I’m guessing you probably haven’t seen ‘The Book Of Mormon Movie.’ It gets my vote for worst film of all time, and I collect bad films. Start with a sacred religious text, try to make it seem like LOTR, but do it with the same quality, art direction, and budget as a made for TV movie on Lifetime, and you are still doing better than what these people churned out. The book was better.
meh i was joking. i just hate it when i post something moronic on impulse that i forget about five minutes later because i wasn’t even paying attention.
much as i respect movies as an artform and spend most of my movie-watching time in the ‘art-house’ movie theatres around johannesburg, there comes a time where i just want to switch off my head and watch a bunch of special effect, tenuos story-lines and carrie-ann moss in black leather
pardon me for sounding like the village-idiot here…
pardon me for my subconcious digression into over the top pretentiousness. (fine i’ll stop talking about my self-humiliating kill bill post now)
i hear ya. i feel the same way about die-hard 1 and 2. i think the matrix trilogy was one large subliminal judeo-christian message though, which is why i just couldn’t stand it. but for regular action flicks… DIE HARD.
jesus… what was i thinking with that kill bill post
mmmm…interesting use of judeo-christianity’s main dude’s name…
quit beating yourself up about it
i thought it was a well-reasoned argument that made a lot of sense
i haven’t had the opportunity to see the movie in question but posts like that makes me want to go see it NOW!
amen brother!
that movie makes me real sad
if u consider that as one of the earliest examples of the modern incarnation of the (tongue in cheek) anti-hero movie and u see where that genre has led itself to…
it started so well…
…and henceforth, jesus will be called chrstianity’s “main dude”
i would, but i do some serious writing. some music/movie reviews and stuff, and that was incredibly premature of me to say and impulsive/off the top of my head which made it totally exagerrated and pretentious. but by all means, go see it. it is surely the best movie i’ve seen released in awhile. just a dumb thing to post about it which i’m glad jagur pointed out (knocked some sense into me)… i’ll probably write a review when i get the dvd.
where r u published?