What is your current occupation? What is your dream job?

There were a couple older posts about what people did for a living, but they didn’t really touch on what people wanted to do.

I’m currently a student (Masters of Aerospace Engineering). Once I’m out of university (again) I’ll hopefully find an engineering job in the aerospace industry.

My dream job which I’m always going to be pursuing (until I get there, or die before I’m good enough) is to be a professional or semi professional Jazz Musician. I’m a sax player (mainly). :sunglasses:

So, what do you do and what do you want to do?

I want to be a Jazz musician too! I play mostly piano and my main focus is on avant-garde and free-form jazz.
But I’m also so strongly drawn to so much other stuff, especially acting.
So I want to incorperate poetry, drama and all of that into my performances.

I also want to teach music to under-priviledged children.

Professional unicyclist. If that doesn’t work out, any 9-5 will do.

I’ll probably end up getting something to do with writing, since English in the only thing I show proficiency in at school. I’ve got 2 years until I’m out of High school, so I’m in no hurry. Besides, once you get to college you have to take all those mandatory classes.

I don’t have a job yet, but soon I’ll be a burger flipper.

I’m an advanced powertrain product developer (engineer) for Jaguar Landrover. My dream job would be to build custom cars all day, I’d enjoy the opportunity for creativity which is not present in my current job.

I’m a Clinical Psychologist and I love my job.

However work is usually an hour’s drive away.

My dream job would be one that was within unicycling distance.

Software Developer / Software Developer

Also, there is a related thread, in case people missed it the first time – Following your passion - career choices.

Current occupation: Quiznos Employee.

Dream job: Unicyclist or Philosopher.

Ah, I must have not delved deep enough into the search results to find that thread.

This can certainly be locked in favor of the preexisting one.

I 'm a student industrial sciences something in the direction of becoming a ingeneer but I 'm not sure yet what I would do later

Nah, it’s not bad to have a new thread.

Right now I’m a full-time student, which isn’t bad, but my dream job would definitely be being part of a successful game developing company. I’d looove to work for Blizzard, they push out some of the most amazing stuff, but most any company would do. I kinda want to be in a more indie-gaming company first, and then try the big leagues. Hopefully this’ll eventually happen, I’d be sooo happy.

Currently jobless

Hopping to get a job doing timber cruises etc. but would take any forest tech position.

Eventually I would like to get my GIS and RPFT then start a forestry consulting firm, maybe have 4 or 5 employees, nothing to big.

i´m student in a technical “Gymnasium” and will study something techincal in about 3 years i think…some engineer… :roll_eyes:

my dream job is beeing an actress in films and theatres but that won´t come true :frowning:

Hey, I’m about to be promoted. In a couple of weeks I get to be

Associate Director, Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington.

I think I’m going to be making two figures. I should get a business card with little unicycles on it. My dream job would be as a touring professional sunbather in the Caribbean.

I’m a delivery agent… :smiley: of news papers :frowning:

I want to work in architecture, it might take a while :roll_eyes:

oh don’t say that. it will only not come true if you believe it won’t.

Sweet! Think about all the candy bars you could buy in a year with that kind of money - like 30 if you buy em in a value pack!

im a burger engineer for ronald

mmMMMmmmmmmm…candy bars…mmmmMMMMmmmm…


Lol the foldable bikeshop.