Seriously what the hell?
What is wrong with america?
What is wrong with america? It’s not capitalized.
Man. I hate it when I screw up the title. Anyway, why hasn’t this gone on the news. Dateline should blow this crap wide open.
Wahooo! Faster than Gild!
Well it says that this stuff still happens, but I get your point. I hate people who lie on the internet, and I try to use my position as Prince of Siam to stop them, but I just can’t handle all of it.
Sounds like another good story for the Big Book of Urban Legends.
I don’t know of any local fast food joints that still have ball pits.
True or not, they’re all gone.
Could a lot of what is wrong with America, and indeed everywhere else, be down to people who use hearsay and other people’s opinions to jump to conclusions and overreact before taking the time to do a bit of research?
Just a thought.
…and this, kids, is one more reason why you should SLOW DOWN, THINK and maybe even RESEARCH before you press SUBMIT!
“The Intarweb, bringing you chain mail and urban legends at the deafening speed of stupid!”
stands up
standing ovation
Might be for sanitary reasons. How do you clean all those balls, and how often do they need it?
Yes, surprising none of us remembers hearing about the story above, especially if it happened seven years ago. I’m pretty sure it would have made national news, and I would have rememberd it.
Midland Chronicle, eh? A Google search on “Midland Chronicle, TN” gave an interesting list of sites on urban legends.
I sensed that these accounts were 100% fabricated. I was right.
That’s nice. What kind of unicycle do you ride?
This is Just Conversation. Do we need to cloud the air on this 2006 retelling of a 1999 (alleged) fake story with irrelevant details?
I smelled BS right away
I am supposed to believe a junkie just forgot a syringe full of heroin ? Seriously, what is the chance of that ? Trillions of trillions to one. Not once has that happened since the big bang !
Also, as a needle phobic myself, I was worried enough to do some research previously . Surprise ! , hypo needles are made of a special ductile stainless steel that cannot snap like a brittle sewing needle. They bend, but you would need pliers and deliberately bend it back and forth to make it snap.
Here’s the official Snopes debunking link.
So what’s wrong with America ! Rest assured it is not the brittleness of our needles, nor the memory of our junkies.
Sorry, my bad. Sometimes I don’t think before I post.
But asking “What kind of unicycle do you ride?” is my subtle way of saying “Go away, spammer! You don’t belong here!”
The spammy kind.