What is the secret to being able to jump high?

I have been pondering this because I haven’t been able to jump very high, and because I want be get better at trials. So if anyone could help me out that would be so great.


Il try to be a lil more helpful than the other 2, so, are you doing it seat in out sif, if your doin it seat in then theres you prob right there, you need to do it sif, if you need help with sif then ask, and watch how Ryan atkins does it, and how Zack Baldwin does it, i dont have too many clips or vids of me doin sif, but if you search you should be able to find some…

Or rolling hop. I can hop higher rolling hop.

seat in front and lots of practice.



sorry Owen. here’s what you need to do: quote me, and copy what’s there. then quote forrest, and put my quote on the outside of his, so you see me quoting him. then take both of them, and quote catboy, and put both of ours on the outside of Catboy. like this:

it’s too late… I cannot undo my negligent ways…


Originally posted by Murde Mental

see? even forrest screwed up. I’ll fix it, forrest.


oooooh look! there’s apparently a limt of how many quotes can be in a quote. too bad.

Cool! wait…qouting limit…?

yeah, guess so…looks like there’s a three quote-in-quote maximum. kind of sad.

Wow, I think this is my largest quote-to-post percentile ever.

If we’d tell you the secret, over the Internet, well it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now, would it?

The cat(boy)'s out of the bag(closet)… PRACTICE!

Practice is a big part of it, but also having various targets helps. Palletes are great for this, 1 = a kerb, 2 = a BIG kerb :p, 3 = Small Bollard or Bench, 4 = Park Bench, 5+ = You’re doing well!

Also try both types of hopping, I can get as high seat in as seat out, but it took me a while of struggling seat out (I need to learn to ride seat out to get the proper balance for it) to find that out. Now I can crank grab high picnic tables with no prehop.

Work on your prehops too.

Read & watch the tutorials (especially the KH videos) on www.unicycle.2ya.com, they really helped me.
